NYSRPA’s Tom King Replies to Questions on the Recent NYSRPA v. Cuomo Win

Repeal NY SAFE Act
Repeal NY SAFE Act
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

New York –-(Ammoland.com)- Gun Owners,

There have been many comments made about the decision on NYSRPA v. Cuomo handed down yesterday by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.

Make no mistake about it, this was a victory for two reasons:

1. It reaffirmed Judge Skretney’s decision that declared mandating a 7rd maximum in magazines was unconstitutional and now allowing a maximum of 10 rounds.

2. It set the stage for a successful appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals is the most liberal Circuit in the United States, during the last twenty-five years I’m aware of only one or two favorable rulings that have come out of this court. So was a partial win a win? Yes! However it was a rung on the ladder to get to the United States Supreme Court. A step we were required to take. To date no other law suit or action has restored any rights to the gun owners of New York except NYSRPA v Cuomo, we will take that small victory and build on it all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

Members we can promise you that your NRA and NYSRPA will be in the trenches battling

The NYSRPA Board has set the path we will follow and that path leads us to the United States Supreme Court where we will challenge the merits of the assault weapons ban and affirm the right of a U.S. Citizen to own and use a rifle in common use both in New York State and the Nation.

We will not deviate from the goal…ever. That is our promise to you.

Tom King
Cogito ergo ego sum armatus

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association is the state’s largest and oldest firearms advocacy organization. Since 1871, our organization has been dedicated to the preservation of Second Amendment rights, firearm safety, education and training, and the shooting sports. Our membership consists of individuals and clubs throughout the state. We are a not-for-profit 501(c)4 organization and the official NRA-affiliated State Association in New York. Visit: www.nysrpa.org