NRA & Their “Expert” Lawyer, Brewer, Lose Another One to New York State


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Vacuum up the Money iStock- Jorgenmac

New York ~ -( The NY Attorney General has subpoenaed the files on the arbitration between NRA and Chris Cox, the purged head of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA).

That was a proceeding on which NRA has spent $8 million in legal fees to fight over $2 million owed.

The files are probably enormous. NRA objected for a bunch of reasons and lost but lost in the NY Courts. Here’s the transcript of the hearing, (embedded below) with the judge’s ruling starting on page 36. He orders the documents turned over, with redaction of donors’ names, if they are mentioned, but nothing else.

The Judge rejects the argument that he ought to require turning over the pleadings in the case, but not anything else:

“You know, if there had been objections saying, “Look, this is our first objection, that you can’t have any of it; our second one is, is that these 400 documents have” — you know — “there are these reasons why we’re not going to — we shouldn’t have to — produce them …” But that hasn’t been done. That’s not in front of me. I’m not going to remand it for you guys to start that all over again. This has taken too long as it is.”

He expects the first documents to be turned over “this week” and the entirety of them by the end of January 2022.

One more loss for Team LaPierre, but not their lawyer who is still billing the NRA membership for his “expert counseling”.


The reason for purging Chris Cox was that he’d received a text saying that LaPierre was being asked to resign over the scandals, and Cox replied it was a damn tragedy or words like that. He doesn’t say it’s good, not by any means. It’s something you might say if a friend was caught in a scandal. [unsubstaniated rumors were that phones were tapped]

That’s not much of a reason to purge the fellow who’d led the entire political branch of NRA for around 20 years! So why?

The board always thinks of the head of ILA as the logical successor to the EVP. That’s how LaPierre got the EVP job, after all, he went from head of ILA to EVP.

Might the real reason for Cox’s purge be to eliminate the man the board would think of as LaPierre’s successor so that any directors thinking of asking LaPierre to step down would have to worry that there was no replacement at hand?

LaPierre has never made anyone his deputy, so there’s no one to step into his shoes if something happens. That may not be a coincidence.

People Of The State Of New York Plaintiff, -Against- The National Rifle Association, Inc.

About NRA in Danger

We are a group of NRA members, all life or above, who are concerned about where our organization is being taken. In 2019, the 150-year-old NRA, the oldest civil rights organization in the country, was rocked by scandals, financial and others. The members deserve the truth, and we will do our imperfect best to give it to them.

We can be contacted at: NRAlifer -at- Visit for additional updates.

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