NRA Sells Out Grassroots To Congressional Anti-Gunners
Covington VA – -( The NRA is fully prepared to sell out grassroots gun organizations across the nation, including VCDL, to the anti-gun Democratic leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives by not fighting a bill that will gag the free speech of those who criticize members of Congress.
The NRA, in a news release, has said it will turn a blind eye to H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act, since it exempts the NRA.
Bottom line: the NRA has been bought off.
Here is the criteria in the bill for an exemption:
- More than 1 million members
- Has been in existence for more than 10 years
- Has members in all 50 states
- Raises 15 percent or less of their income from corporations
It appears the ONLY gun organization to meet that set of criteria would be the NRA – not GOA or SAF or CCRKBA, much less VCDL.
VCDL rarely criticizes another gun organization, but on this issue we cannot, and must not, hold our tongues.
Let me not mince words – this appears to be an unholy alliance between Nancy Pelosi and the NRA, which would wipe out the NRA’s competition.
If you snuggle up with a rattlesnake you are going to get bit. The NRA is playing a fool’s game if they think they will survive this unscathed. Nancy Pelosi is not their friend now, nor will she ever be.
For their own self-interest, the NRA is apparently choosing to drive, or at least ride in, the bus that is going to run over the rest of us.
The NRA must NOT turn a blind eye to this scheme and MUST fight it to the bitter end. Either all gun-rights organizations are protected or none are protected. We hang together or we will surely hang separately.
The irony of the NRA’s position is that if they anger enough gun owners, they could fall below the magic one million member mark and then they would lose their exemption and end up being crushed under the same bus that they threw us under.
- Call the NRA at (800) 392-8683 and demand that they ACTIVELY OPPOSE HR 5175, S 3295, or any other bill that politically silences the voices of gun owners!
- Contact your Congressperson and tell them to vote against HR 5175 (thanks to GOA for the prewritten message/delivery system):
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Visit: