NRA’s National Firearms Museum Bringing The Big Guns To November’s Chantilly Gunshow


Clint Eastwoods Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum revolver
See Clint Eastwoods Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum revolver used in Dirty Harry.
C&E Gun Shows
C&E Gun Shows

Chantilly VA –-(  NRA’s National Firearms Museum will be bringing the big guns to the November 16-18 Chantilly gunshow.

In a special traveling exhibit that incorporates some of the NRA collection’s finest handguns and rifles – definitely “Magnums” will be the theme and each of these traveling treasures will be something special to behold.

If you’ve ever wanted to see “Dirty Harry’s S&W” – the big, bold .44 used by Clint Eastwood in his films Dirty Harry and Magnum Force – here’s your chance. How about Clark Gable’s Registered Magnum? – did you know that this famous actor had one of the best gun collections in Hollywood?

Plan to come by the National Firearms Museum table and see a Holland & Holland .700 Nitro Express double rifle, part of the renowned Robert E. Petersen Gallery. But for a really unusual magnum – we bet you’ve never seen a double barreled bolt-action rifle? This 8-shot .416 Magnum rifle was made by Szecsei & Fuchs and incorporates space-age titanium for much of its composition.

Maybe more classic magnum revolvers are your speed and we’ve also included an ivory-stocked Colt Python .357 revolver and a scoped .454 Casull single-action to keep you going. If you are a real magnum aficionado – you won’t want to miss this exhibit.

NRA’s National Firearms Museum is just down the road in Fairfax, Virginia. We’ll have the galleries open until 5pm all the gunshow weekend for folks that want to see even more guns after going through the Chantilly gunshow. For more information, check out the museum website at or call (703) 267-1600.

The Nation’s Gun Show
4225 Fortress Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24062
Office (540) 953 – 0016
Fax (540) 552 – 9488