Grinnell, Iowa – -( NRA First Vice President and CEO of Brownells, Pete Brownell, announced today that he will seek a third term on the NRA’s Board of Directors. If re-elected, Brownell will likely become NRA President at the 2017 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia.
An NRA Life Member since birth, Brownell, 47, boasts proven NRA leadership experience and is a widely-recognized visionary in the firearm and outdoor industry. Brownell’s service to the NRA began in 2006 when he was nominated to serve on the NRA Membership Committee.
Following his election to the board in 2010, Brownell began serving on numerous other committees, including:
- President’s Committee on Advancement
- Nominating Committee
- Sport Shooting Committee
- Finance Committee
- Law Enforcement Committee
- Meeting Site Selection Committee
- Publications Policy Committee
- Task Force on Industry Relations Committee
- Investment Oversight Committee
Proving himself as an ardent defender of the Second Amendment and a powerful voice for the NRA, Brownell was elected the NRA Second Vice President in April 2013. Two years later in 2015, he was elected NRA First Vice President, an office he holds today.
“It’s a distinct honor and privilege to serve the five million members of the National Rifle Association of America,” said Brownell. “I’ve been an NRA member my entire life, literally from day one. I grew up with a passion for firearms and a deep desire to maintain and strengthen our Second Amendment.”
“Defending the Second Amendment rights of good, honest and responsible gun owners is synonymous with protecting the core values that make America great,” added Brownell. “These are the same values our founding fathers envisioned, the same values my grandfather and father fought to protect in the military, and the same values the NRA seeks to safeguard through unwavering support of an individual’s right to own and use firearms.”
“It is my promise to defend these rights to own and use firearms and advance the values of individualism and personal responsibility. I ask for your vote of support.”
Brownell is proud to have received support from prominent members of the firearm community, including host of “Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio,” Tom Gresham.
“It’s a privilege to endorse Pete Brownell for the NRA board,” said Gresham. “Pete brings to the board a lifetime of experience in firearms and business, and his perspective is something we need to help guide the organization in the coming years.”
Brownell has also earned the endorsement of the Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC), the leading pro-Second Amendment organization in his home state.
“I have enjoyed the unique position of witnessing first hand Pete Brownell’s tireless efforts, and the tremendous energy he expends, defending and advancing the Second Amendment rights of the good citizens of both Iowa and this country,” said Barry Snell, President of the IFC. “Pete’s work in the firearms community has been stellar, and there’s simply no question at all that Pete Brownell needs to be on the NRA board.”
“I will be voting for Pete Brownell on this year’s 2016 NRA board ballot. I hope you will too, he deserves your vote, he is one of us.” – Fredy Riehl, Editor, AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
To learn more about Pete Brownell, to get in touch with him or to read more endorsements, visit