Opinion and comments by NRA Board member Willes Lees.
Editors Note: Willes Lee is running for NRA board in 2019 please consider him for your vote come February.
USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- You want to watch this!
We hit the issues on your mind in this great America’s Voice News interview with anchors Amanda Head and Kyle Olson. Each of us dropped a little snark into the discussion.
Working with so many great people is the best part of what I get to do. Wearing many hats means being open to discuss issues across the spectrum. While not a spokesman (except for NFRA), always willing to push our message with my opinion whenever and wherever possible. Giving a lot of thanks to www.americasvoicenews.com for the opportunity.
This television hit was scheduled to discuss murders in Gun Free Zones. Instead, whew, we went everywhere else. In a nine-minute lightning-round segment we hit bump stocks, slippery slope, Pelosi’s attacks, magic number 60, “stupid” liberals, law enforcement, “idiot” Dems, US Senate, sports shooting, CPAC 2019, Trump and sons, NRA membership, and a lot more. They even played a bonus clip from the amazing Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus rally earlier this year. (Minnesota remarks are here www.facebook.com/WillesLeeNRA/videos/2229112013779217/ )
Learned this lesson: watch me dodge the sun rays coming through the window blinds late in the interview.
Your feedback in the comments is important below. You can agree with everything I present, say so. More likely you’ll disagree with something, or want to vent on an issue, and you should tell us. Feedback helps (calling your US Senator helps more. Just sayin).
So you know how some days go – had a short break after this TV interview before a podcast with my friends at the Polite Society Podcast www.facebook.com/PoliticsAndGunsPodcast/. We’ll post that to www.Facebook.com/WillesLeeNRA soon as it is available.
LtCol (ret) Willes Lee is a member of the NRA Board of Directors, assigned six committees: Chairman Outreach, co-Chairman Collegiate Programs, Military & Veterans Affairs, Legislative Policy, Federal Affairs, Grassroots Development. Life member NRA, CCRKBA/SAF, GOA and Co-Chairman of the Trump-Pence Second Amendment Coalition. Lee is President of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, on the ACU Foundation Board (hosts of CPAC), and a former RNC member/State Chairman. Col Lee is a combat veteran graduate of West Point, a 22-year Ranger and Airborne qualified Armor officer, DSSM/BSM/LM. He holds an Engineering Degree from USMA and a Master’s Degree of Public Administration. Follow at www.Facebook.com/WillesLeeNRA and on Instagram and Twitter. His full bio and blog are at www.WillesLee.com and his email is Willes.Lee@gmail.com