Now Available – Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle

Witt Machine
Witt Machine

U.S.A.-( Announcing that the Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle is in Production! MachineGun Tours will be the exclusive Distributor of the Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle design from Witt Machine & Tool.

Witt Machine & Tool is working with MachineGun Tours who will supply Witt Machine with NEW Ruger Precision Rifles. Currently the first run is 7x .308 Ruger Precision Rifles available now thru MacineGun Tours’ website Store. As inventory arrives MachineGun Tours will offer other Calibers and list them on their website store.

Alan Samuel of MachineGun Tours said, “I had to see this for myself. I was being told this was going to be a very quiet Rifle. MachineGun Tours inventories more suppressors and suppressed firearms than anyone in the State of Colorado and I was waiting to be impressed.

The price points that Witt Machine was striving for are incredible and this makes this Integrally Suppressed Rifle affordable for the everyday shooter who wants a quality product. These Ruger Precision Rifles are everything a guy wants out of the box…. this modification makes every guy want one.”

“I MUST say, this thing is quiet…. It is CRAZY quiet shooting subsonic ammo! I am impressed and this is very exciting to be on the ground floor of. I can NOT get enough Ruger Precision Rifles fast enough.”

Witt Machine & Tool Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifles
Witt Machine & Tool Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifles

Ken of Witt Machine & Tools said, “We had this idea and it came together really fast for us because it’s using a very similar concept as our NEW Integrated Suppressed AR platforms that are launching soon too. We look forward to working with Machine Gun Tours and having them Distribute these Rifles across the country.”

This Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle is a must see, must have. Priced below anything else like it on the market makes it attention worthy on its own.

Witt Machine & Tool Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifles
Witt Machine & Tool Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifles

For questions, availability, and getting an Integrally Suppressed Ruger Precision Rifle Contact:

MachineGun Tours
Call: 303.993.8361

About Witt Machine

Ken Wittekiend served 10+ years in the United States Marine Corps with multiple deployments to the Middle East. While stationed in Hawaii he was a marksmanship instructor and shot competitively. After the Marine Corps he attended the Precision Machining program at TSJC in Alamosa, Colorado. After working as a machinist for several years he started Witt Machine & Tool Co.