No Winners in the Zimmerman – Martin Shooting

Zimmerman - Martin Shooting
Zimmerman (right) – Martin (left)

Upper Marlboro, MD –-( I wasn’t there that night on February 26, when Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida but I still weep about it. I grieve for both families and our nation.

I know what is coming. One young man lost his life for being black. The other will lose his way of life for taking it. Our nation is already hurting from economic issues, moral decay, and apathy that will polarize us over this. Some folks will disagree with me but it is ok. I know old hates will return.

The blood that was spilled has already attracted the political critters that feed off of tragedies like this. It has happened before. Check into the names of Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, and Abner Louima, and you’ll see familiar “players” emerge.

None of the rhetoric brings back a life.

Admittedly, anyone that makes a comment is “Monday Morning Quarterbacking” no matter what side you are on. This however is not a game. A young man died. Personally, I see a “cop wannabee” and think he should be treated as such judiciously. There is a rumor going around that Zimmerman said a racial slur on the audio that was recorded at the 2 minute and 20-second mark. Because of these thoughts I would never be chosen on his jury.

Law enforcement and the Justice Department is going to have a tough time putting the genie back in the box the longer they wait. Time is not on their side.

The only “happy” people in this horrible mess are the gun control groups.
They are hoping gun owners don’t show compassion for Mr. Martin and paint us all like vigilantes. Expect to hear how Florida’s gun laws were the cause. Expect the anti-rights groups and ambulance chasers to blame everyone except Zimmerman for pulling the trigger. Don’t think the Handgun Control Inc folks forgot about that huge loss either handed down by SCOTUS. They have been castrated politically by common sense ever since, but they are chomping at the bit for another opportunity, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”.

Pro-gun people in Florida practically led the concealed carry movement that is making us safer now. If you think the dude was wrong, say so. I believe in policing my own. Every situation is different and I wasn’t there but I do think we should take Zimmerman off the streets until the courts determine his future. It is not easy or fair.

There are no winners in this, only survivors.

Rev. Kenn Blanchard
The Urban Shooter Podcast “The Pro-Gun Variety Show”
“Holla” 1-888-675-0202

About Kenn Blanchard

Kenn Blanchard is a contributor to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News and Producer of the Urban Shooter podcast. In addition, Kenn Blanchard is a pro-gun media producer & marketing professional that helps small businesses by providing information, entertainment, inspiration, and support to the sport shooting community through blogs, voice-over, podcasting, and professional speaking. Visit:

Kenn Blanchard