NJOA: Animal Rights Extremists Endorse NJ Anti Gun Senator Lesniak

NJ State Senator Raymond Lesniak
Anti gun NJ State Senator Raymond Lesniak gets endorsement from state Animals Rights and Anti Hunting Lobby…
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

TRENTON, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- The animal rights lobby, League of Humane Voters of New Jersey, recently announced support for Senator Raymond Lesniak (D-Union) in his upcoming primary campaign.

The group claims, “One of the best ways to help animals in New Jersey is to help Raymond Lesniak’ s (D-Union) primary campaign.”

Some members of the lobby group are key members of the animal extremist group, Animal Protection League of NJ (formerly New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance), a group that has unsuccessfully sued the state of New Jersey to stop black bear hunting as a means of population management.

Key members of the group have also been arrested on multiple occasions related to interfering with legal hunting activities, including charges of hunter harassment, disorderly conduct, obstructing the administration of law and resisting arrest.

It has been reported that one member stated, “The only thing that should be hunted is hunters”.

In their email (below) the lobby group claims, “Senator Lesniak is one of the leading humane legislators in the United States. His laws and legislation relieve animal suffering statewide and create precedents for federal legislation. Senator Lesniak has more than earned the support and gratitude of animal lovers throughout New Jersey. Raymond Lesniak is the embodiment of the League of Humane Voters of New Jersey’s stated purpose: a legislator who fights for laws against cruelty and abuse”.

Animal rights lobby email:

May 7, 2013

Dear LOHV-NJ Member,

One of the best ways to help animals in New Jersey is to help Raymond Lesniak’ s (D-Union) primary campaign. The Senator is facing an aggressive primary challenge in his district.

Regardless of where you live in New Jersey, please consider aiding this critical campaign. This is not something we can put off until next week; the primary is June 4.


1) If you are financially able to make a contribution to Senator Lesniak’ s campaign, please pledge online today. Any amount will be appreciated. To make a donation, please visit: raymondlesniak. com/contribute/

2) If contributing by check, please send and make it out to:

Election Fund of Raymond Lesniak
530 Irvington Avenue
Elizabeth, NJ 07208

NOTE: Please denote LOHV-NJ in the memo section of the check.

3) Volunteer, a few hours, a day, to work on the campaign. The leaders of LOHV-NJ are actively working on this important campaign. Political work, especially for a legislator so essential to animal protection, is fun. It is also what LOHV-NJ is all about – getting involved and making change happen. Visit: www.raymondlesniak. com/get-involved

4) To maximize the effect of our support, please forward this email to animal loving friends, family, and colleagues. Use the handy “Forward this email” at the bottom of this email.

The League of Humane Voters of New Jersey is a non-partisan organization. Our sole purpose is to support legislators of either party who promote, sponsor, and obtain animal protective legislation. By that measure, Senator Lesniak is especially important to the core goals of this organization. And to the animals who rely on Senator Lesniak’ s untiring efforts on their behalf.

For the animals,

Susan Russell, Co-Director Angi Metler, Co-Director


Senator Lesniak is one of the leading humane legislators in the United States. His laws and legislation relieve animal suffering statewide and create precedents for federal legislation. Senator Lesniak has more than earned the support and gratitude of animal lovers throughout New Jersey.

Raymond Lesniak is the embodiment of the League of Humane Voters of New Jersey’s stated purpose: a legislator who fights for laws against cruelty and abuse. An excerpt from the Senator’ s website:

Championing animal rights became a focus of Senator Lesniak when he experienced the final weeks of his beloved Brittany, a mixed breed Spaniel he adopted. After 19 years of companionship, Brittany’ s health failed. Sparing no expense, Senator Lesniak took Brittany to the Red Bank Veterinary Hospital, but the best care couldn’t save Brittany. While visiting, Senator Lesniak noticed a flier describing Save U.S. Pets, a foundation which helps pay for life saving treatment for pets of families who can’t afford the cost. Senator Lesniak sponsored a fundraiser for Save U.S. Pets and received its award for his efforts. This experience propelled Senator Lesniak into the forefront of animal rights protection.


Horses in chute for slaughter in the United States.

Horse Slaughter – S1976. American horses – healthy horses, formerly used for riding, pulling carriages, and racing; wild, untamed horses, and ponies that patiently bore a procession of young children, are inhumanely transported and slaughtered for human consumption in France, Italy and Japan. The noble animals suffer mightily, not only during transport in trailers without food or water, but on the slaughterhouse floor. Senator Raymond Lesniak sponsored legislation now law, to ban horse slaughter in New Jersey.* New Jersey’s action affected federal protection efforts.

Tiger in captivity. Often, body parts end up in trade.

Trade in Endangered Tigers – S1945. An increased demand for endangered tiger parts exists throughout the world. China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Great Britain are involved in the tiger trade. Senator Lesniak introduced and fought for legislation to tighten controls and prevent trafficking in tiger parts. Governor Christie conditionally vetoed the legislation.

Sows in gestation crates.

Gestation Crates – S1921. Female breeding pigs are confined in small, metal crates during the whole of their four-month pregnancies. The sow can barely move; she cannot even turn around. These remarkably intelligent animals are deprived of any remotely natural behavior. Following the birth of her piglets, the sow is again confined, sentenced to endure this cycle of misery and deprivation for four years, until she is slaughtered. Senator Lesniak’ s legislation, which phases out the worse of these inhumane confinement practices has passed both houses. The bill now heads to the Senate for concurrence before going on to Governor Chris Christie’ s desk.

Shark fins drying in the sun.

Shark fins – S1922. To meet market demand for soup and other trifles, traffickers hack off the fins of sharks, often while they are still alive, and then toss the dismembered fish back into the water to die a prolonged death. The trade is decimating shark populations, including those which cannot sustain it. Senator Lesniak’ s legislation bans the sale and possession of shark fins.

Family of bears at Mark T. Hall bait site, New Jersey, Nov 26, 2011. https://www.newjerse yhunter.com/ article116356. htm

Bear Smart Legislation – S2369. The most important factor in co-existing with the black bear is the removal of human-derived foods (unsecured trash containers and bait for bear and deer.) Trash and bait condition bears to associate humans with food. (The experts also agree that the black bear is a shy animal who poses no real threat to humans). The Division of Fish and Wildlife, partnered with gun and ammunition industries, exploits easily avoidable conflicts – a bear moseying around a garbage can – to justify the annual bait-and-shoot for the division’ s paying customers. Senator Raymond has introduced the first, statewide Bear Smart bill in the nation. The bill requires towns in bear habitat to implement and enforce bear resistant trash containers, and disallows baiting for bear and deer in bear habitat.

Patrick after rescue.

Patrick’ s Law – S1303. When a pit bull named Patrick was starved, thrown down a garbage chute and left for dead in Newark last year, Senator Lesniak co-sponsored a bill to increase the penalty for starvation and severe physical cruelty. The bill passed the Senate and awaits a full Assembly vote.

*Tragically, the Bravo horse slaughterhouse in Carney’s Point, New Jersey, is not affected by New Jersey’s ban on horse slaughter. That ban applies to horses slaughtered for human consumption. And so Bravo continues to operate as usual. The owner of New Jersey’s only horse slaughterhouse admitted on tape to using horses for target practice, starving animals nearly to death, and skinning the equines alive during the slaughter process. The owner also acknowledged that he bashed a blind draft horse in the animal’s only good eye with a baseball bat: “The draft made his last mistake when he ran away from me … but he learned his lesson fast when his eye met my baseball bat … Let’s call a spade a spade.” This is not acceptable. LOHV-NJ and other organizations will address this plant, and what can be done about it, in forthcoming alerts.

League of Humane Voters – New Jersey
PO Box 17
Manalapan, NJ 07726
info@lohvnj. org

Angi Metler
Susan Russell

Merrilee Cichy
Julie O’Connor
Laurie Perla
Carol Rivielle

Joyce Allington
Elaine Dunn
Leslie Farer
Jacqueline Klosek
Janine Motta
Barb Spector
Tina Wilson

Doris Lin, Esq.

Barbara Metzler


AmmoLand Editor: It should be noted that Senator Raymond Lesniak is on the NJ Law and Public Safety Committee and consistently has vote against the rights of New Jersey Gun Owners as well as his support for anti hunting legislation.
Anthony P. Mauro
Sr. Chairman,
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”

JOIN NJOA: https://www.njoutdooralliance.org/support/njoa.html

NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit: www.njoutdooralliance.org