NJCDL Alert! – One-Gun-A-Month Bill Is Back On The Radar

NJCDL Alert! – One-Gun-A-Month Bill Is Back On The Radar

New Jersey – -(AmmoLand.com)- Anti-gun advocates are working hard to have S1774 considered in the New Jersey Senate as early as next week. In December the Senate declined to take their scheduled vote on S1774. It turns out our efforts overcame all the lobbying efforts by anti-gun groups. And it’s time to defeat this bill once again!

Here are a few easy steps to making sure this does not pass the senate:

1) Find out which NJ Legislative District you live in: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp

2) Once you know your district, Note some of the other districts in your area: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/njmap210.html

3) Get the contact information of the representatives in those districts: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/districtnumbers.asp

4) Write and call the representatives about bill S1774. There are a couple points you will want to convey:

a) Be clear that you oppose S1774, and that you want the representative to oppose it as well.

b) Give a sentence or two explaining your reason for opposition.

c) Make it clear that you will do more than just vote for opponents of S1774 or vote against supporters of S1774, but that you will actively work to get supporters of S1774 out of office in the next elections. And make it clear that you are willing to work outside your district.

d) Thank the representatives for their time and service.

The time to act in defense of our rights is now!

New Jersey Citizens Defense League: New Jersey needs sensible gun laws. In spite of the claims by politicians, the current batch of gun laws do NOT keep guns out of “the wrong hands”. They keep guns out of the right hands. They put massive obstacles in the way of law abiding citizen’s attempts to purchase the tools needed to defends their lives, their homes, and their families. The tangle of legislation and bureaucratic ‘administrative codes’ results in confusing and ever changing rules that are nearly impossible for the average citizen to understand. An obscure rule change can turn a law abiding citizen into a criminal overnight and with out warning.

Visit:  NJCDL.org