New Jersey –-( Welcome to Week 11 of submitting our questions to NJ Senate President Steve Sweeney for his #AskSenPres events. This week our focus is not on Concealed Carry.
The reason is that Sweeney has already stomped & huffed and claimed he will “never support concealed carry” although he muttered something about having a loaded gun in your jacket or some such juvenile stupidity.
Well, we don’t really care whether Sweeney supports Concealed Carry or not! He’s not the arbiter of all our rights, nor is he the first nor last word in New Jersey law. Once SCOTUS hears and rules on the Drake case, the issue of Justifiable Need will be settled and Steve Sweeney’s opinion is not even going to be heard, let alone adhered to.
No, this week we are focusing on Bill A2006, the desperate attempt by NJ Legislature to limit our gun magazines from 15 rounds down to 10.
Here are this week’s questions, please copy and paste into your Twitter accounts from now until Thursday 3-4 pm:
- #AskSenPres Now that @NJSenatePres’ evolved EXACTLY how many handguns rifles & rounds of ammo has he decided I’m allowed to own? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres @NJSenatePres knows EXACTLY how many rounds my mags can be, so how many rifles has he decided I’m now allowed to own? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres @NJSenatePres knows EXACTLY how many rounds my mags can be, so how many handguns has he decided I’m allowed to own? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres @NJSenatePres knows EXACTLY how many rounds my mags can be, so how much ammo has he decided I’m now allowed to own? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres @NJSenatePres knows EXACTLY how many rounds my mags can be, so how many guns can I own B4 he decides it’s an arsenal? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres When will @NJSenatePres decide cars that go over 90 MPH are deadly & must be eradicated for the sake of the children? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres @NJSenatePres knows EXACTLY how many rounds my mags can be, but still lets a 13 yo child buy abortion pills OTC? WHY? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres Will @NJSenatePres donate his $227K F/T Union salary+benefits or will he donate his $100K F/T NJ salary+benefits? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres Which Conflict of Interests F/T job will @NJSenatePres quit? His F/T Iron Worker’s Union or his F/T NJ Senate job? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres Why’d @NJSenatePres become PRES of Union THUGS who burn down churches & threaten 2 shoot ppl? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres Why does @NJSenatePres staff not track names or towns when calls come in against his laws? Trying to hide opposition? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres Why does @NJSenatePres not track phone calls made in opposition to his 10 round mag bill? How many have you received? #2A #NJ2AS
- #AskSenPres What is the current phone call count in opposition to @NJSenatePres 10 round mag bill? Where are the tracking sheets? #2A #NJ2AS
Next week the Assembly Law & Public Safety Committee will have a hearing on Bill A2006, the magazine limit bill. I have started sending faxes around the clock to the members of this committee. If you have a fax machine, please start sending them your views on this heinous bill.
Here are the fax numbers for the members of this committee:
201-536-7854; 856-547-5496; 609-465-4578; 609-631-0324; 201-795-5290; 908-624-0587; 732-974-2564; 732-840-9757; 908-238-0256; 732-974-2564; 609-633-2179
If you need content to fax, please email me and I’ll provide you with pages and pages of content. As long as it’s an 8 ½” by 11″ sheet of paper that at least says in big letters NO TO A2006 that’s really all you need. If you want to send something fancier, email me. Also, please call Sweeney’s office at 609-847-3700 & Greenwald’s office at 856-435-1427 and tell them you are VEHEMENTLY AGAINST A2006 and Do NOT Lower Magazine Limits!
Keep up the Tweets, I am loving the #GunMags comments! Big shout out to Peggy Hutt, Washington State Coordinator, Tea Party Patriots, for the great idea! We’re very lucky to have such a great group of new friends. Peggy & Rick of the Gun Rights Coalition have been joining us in our Twitter Campaigns. I will soon get their Twitter Lists so we can all follow each other and increase our numbers.
As always, feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments or complaints. Now head on over to Twitter and help me kick some Sweeney Butt!!
Warm regards,
Social Media Coordinator
New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit: