NJ SAFE Conference – This Week on Gun For Hire Radio #377 ~ VIDEO

NJ SAFE Conference
NJ SAFE Conference

New Jersey – -(AmmoLand.com)- This week on Gun For Hire radio, our friend John Willett, a poignant piece about pups, results of the flooding we had at the range and also… look out lefties, HERE COMES GUN FOR HIRE RADIO, ON YOUTUBE!!

John Willett is the founder of NJ SAFE Conference and a former United States Marine. He grew up in Minnesota and has resided in New Jersey since 2002. John is a big supporter of, and advocate for firearms safety and education. You can follow John @NJ_SAFE and his email is John@NJSAFECon.net and check out www.NJSafeCon.net for the link to the Facebook event page, for updates on presenters, attendees and vendors. The event is only $20 but worth so much more and there are still tickets left for NJ SafeCon 2018.

If you haven’t heard, you’re going to want to follow @Gun4Hyr on Twitter and Instagram. Find us on Linked In and Facebook, too or at www.GunForHire.com Dr. Renucci and his canine companion dropped by the range, and we have started posting the video feed of the podcasts on YouTube for your viewing enjoyment!

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If you are an NRA member in good standing you, too can vote for the board members that will best represent the intentions of the Second Amendment and the God given rights of supporters. Remember, the NRA Board Members are the very people that tirelessly fight againslaw-abidingl bureaucracies through litigation and at public hearings, while taking every opportunity to remind the bureaucrats that we will not comply with the loss of our rights as American Citizens, in the face of arbitrary and irreverent legislation aimed at subjugating law abiding civilians. You can access the petition at www.ColandroForNRA.com Just download and complete the petition, then mail it to Gun For Hire, to cast your vote!

New Jersey Second Amendment Firearms Education Conference also known as NJ Safecon is September 22, 2018, at the Cumberland County College in Vineland, NJ and we should all be attending. Firearms safety and gun rights advocates from all over New Jersey will be there. Anthony was will be speaking at the conference. Jimmy and Patty will be working a booth at the conference, and we hope everyone will come down so we can show our support for 2A and drive home the message: “Stand Strong, Stand Together, Stand A Chance!”

This is the fourth year that John and Rachel Willett are organizing and hosting NJ SAFE Conference. They have coordinated presenters of some of the most important information you need to know about Firearms Safety and 2A, and they are looking for volunteers and philanthropists to fortify their team this year. Sandi and Ant will be podcasting Gun For Hire Radio LIVE from the venue. Dr. John Pirelli, a highly respected mental health practitioner and 2A advocate will be at the conference to discuss the challenges faced by the current societal ambiance and the laws that have recently been passed. Attorneys Lou Nappen and Dan Schmutter will be there and Dan will be going into depth on the progress and the potential of the ongoing litigation. Cam Edwards will be there from NRA TV and so will so many more patriots dedicated to the conservancy of gun owners’ rights.

“This is something that a lot of people attend,” said Sandi.

“It’s not just gun people,” said Ant.

If you have a business, please support the cause and sponsor the event. The free advertising you get from sponsorship would cost you 1,000s of dollars if you used an audio or print medium. Gun Sitters is a sponsor this year and previous sponsors include, Roger and Chris Garrett from Purely Water, Mike Candido of J. Moore, Laszlo from Monster Coatings, Sandra from Geiger, Oathkeepers, and The Libertarians of NJ.

John is hopeful because while there are new threats to gun rights in New Jersey like our recently elected Governor, there are also new opportunities to further the conversation on preserving gun owners’ rights, while drafting responsible laws. He recapped some of the issues facing the 2A community, like the Supreme Court Nominee and the litigation in the works. Information on the magazine ban and other State sponsored 2A infringement brought to court by ANJRPC, can be found at https://www.anjrpc.org/ The Cheeseman-Jilliard suit is called “Support the Restore Carry to NJ cause,” and the GoFundMe page is www.gofundme.com/restore-carry-nj

On the lighter side, Coalition of New Jersey Firearms Owners (CNJFO) President, Matt Andras announced that on September 8, 2018, Dave “Rosie” Rosenthal will be presented with the Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA, Volunteer of the Year Award. We know, that the NRA wants our support, but what have they done for New Jersey, lately? Sandi and John were skeptical about the perceived level of participation by the NRA in our State. New Jersey is well known for punishing law abiding gun owners with brazen, anti-2A legislation, but Anthony said that the NRA is really stepping up to the plate, here. CNJFO and ANJRPC filed suits with funding from the NRA, showing the NRA supports the lawful rebellion against a tyrannical status quo.

One otherwise busy and fairly typical, fun-filled Saturday at the Woodland Park Range, Matt alerted Anthony to a deluge of biblical proportions breeching the doors and hallways of the building. A tidal wave came lurching down McBride Avenue in Woodland Park, New Jersey, just South of the Peckman River, which is a tributary of the Passaic River. Cars were floating down the road, smashing into other cars and building façades. Apparently, a car dealership on New Jersey’s Route 46, parked some of their vehicles on unpaved ground. With the record setting rains that fell over the last few weeks, the saturated ground gave way, and a mudslide dragged the new cars into the Peckman River, creating a dam. Subsequently, forcing the river water over the banks and onto the streets, and into the homes and buildings of the helpless towns along its shores.

There was at least a foot of water, throughout the range. The establishments behind our building were inundated with water and some still aren’t fully operational. The West Paterson Volunteer Fire Department was evacuating businesses through the evening and rescuing the town’s inhabitants into the wee hours of the night. Downed power lines added an even greater level of danger and our customers had to be evacuated from the rear of the building. So many cars on the street and in our parking lot were severely damaged. Some were even totaled from the melee. Notwithstanding, there was still the issue of getting people safely home?! It was an unbelievable sight. Even local police cars were made vulnerable by the surge, reluctantly vacating their role of protection and service to the community, and becoming submerged, derelict debris.

Midway through the exodus, some of our stellar employees heard dogs barking and yelping. The frantic noises were coming from a local animal boarding inn behind Gun For Hire, named Club Barks. A few of the Woodland Park Range employees went over to check on the animals, and encountered two Club Barks techs and numerous dogs that were surrounded by the uninhibited and rising water, which at this point was waist deep to Anthony. Jimmy G. called Anthony and told him that the dogs had nowhere to go and the hazardous conditions at the boarding place were rapidly deteriorating. In an unprecedented bow-wow, bucket brigade, firemen and range employees rescued the pleased pooches from their perilous predicament. Mike and Kristen Ottomanelli brought dry blankets for each kennel occupant, and the dogs were fed and watered, safe and sound in our new range space. Logan Uzzalino and his human dad, Lt. John Uzzalino of the Woodland Park Police Department are the intimate beneficiaries of Anthony’s valor, in spite of Logan’s penchant for gnawing on gun range proprietors… NO, ANT IT’S NOT INFECTED!! *sigh*

Our Platinum Member and sponsor Dr. Henry Madalian called Anthony Sunday to see if the doggies needed any food or blankets. This is our Gun For Hire Family. A big shout out to everyone at Ottomanelli’s Sporting Arms, Gun For Hire’s Jimmy G., Freddy, Bobby, Hess and Ish. Ironically, the delays we have been experiencing with the opening of Mt. Gunmore, actually facilitated the liberation of Club Barks’ lodgers. However, the construction has resumed and miraculously, the new building suffered no damage from the flood. This is obviously, because God loves dogs and gun owners. All through the night until bright and early Sunday morning the staff at Gun For Hire was wet-vac-ing and mopping and squeegeeing and cleaning and drying the range. Thanks to the tremendous efforts of our staff, and Tom O’Beirne and his construction crew, we were able to reopen the doors and welcome customers back to the ranges Sunday morning at 10am. A little later than usual, but more grateful than ever.

Reporters from CBS News Channel 2 and Fox 5 NY, came out to interview the heroes, and the Club Barks’ story made it to the evening news amidst the flood videos and the damages from Governor Murphy. Wait, we’re sorry, we meant to write that the Governor visited some devastated areas that were damaged by the flooding, to comfort the residents and survey the destruction. Unfortunately, no New Jersey news outlets covered Club Barks’ plight, but maybe that’s because they only got $5,000,000 from the State and they absolutely, positively can NOT keep you in the dark about the wardrobes worn at the MTV awards and pseudo-left opinion pieces.

Anthony read a thoughtful letter of gratitude from Brian Goldberg, a member of the Gun For Hire Family. Linda Rose sent an email describing her awesome experience with a total stranger who turned out to be yet another, warm and friendly 2A Family Member at the Woodland Park Range.

Chad Hunt sent in a letter describing an altercation his friend had with a late night intruder. The perp is still on the loose but the Police are on the case. Thankfully, no one was injured but the moral of this story is that the victims should get some training. When a criminal, (someone who has already impinged upon your safety or that of your loved ones, your property or someone else’s), is apologetic or nice, Anthony still doesn’t trust them, and neither should you. If at all possible, call the Police BEFORE you confront an intruder. Yell threats of having a gun into the darkness, but DON’T engage them if your family is with you and an egress is available.

Fortify the potential entries of a home, to prevent intruders. Don’t try to restrain non-violent intruders. If you and your family are safe, there is no good reason to intentionally escalate the situation by force. Now, if you own a gun, seeing you pointing it will probably stop an unarmed intruder in their tracks. Not a gun person? No problem, keep a high powered flashlight by your bed and flash the light in the intruder’s eyes. It will blind them in a dark room and buy you enough time to get out of harm’s way.

Listen, if you don’t have Police training, access to handcuffs and a gun, then the last thing you should be doing is trying to subdue an intruder. Just because you don’t see a weapon, doesn’t mean they don’t have something concealed that they will use if they feel threatened.

Please send us your questions and comments, and Sandi and Anthony may read them on the Gun For Hire Radio show!

Earlier this week, Anthony was on Cam Edward’s Cam & Co Show, expounding on the Ant’s Rant of “Harpo Cuomo…” In case you missed it, in the wake of President Trump fortifying our military and speaking to the Troops about the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act, a disrespectful barrage of auditory bile violently disgorged out of the mouth of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo. This happened during a speaking engagement in NYC’s Lower East Side. Cuomo smugly disparaged our Nation and all of the men and women that have served this country and protected the sovereignty of the United States of America. “We’re not gonna make America great again. It was never that great,” touted the sitting New York Governor.

A latent Cuomo didn’t immediately recognize the dangerous trajectory of his verbal vehicle, but after some jeers from the audience, you could see his train of thought went completely off the rails. Cuomo staggered his speech as he continued, “We have not reached greatness. We will reach greatness…” desperately steering his hate speech coach sharply towards the slippery slope that is male feminism, before God Blessing everyone and exiting the stage. (follow @NRA @NRATV @CamEdwards @CamAndCompany for details)

Gun For Hire Radio is the voice of one million New Jersey Gun Owners. The hosts of the weekly broadcast are Sandi Berardi and Master Firearms Trainer, Anthony Colandro and they come to you from deep within the bowels of the Second Amendment waste land, that is New Jersey with THE most listened to Second Amendment broadcast in the Nation!

Gun For Hire RadioAbout Gun for Hire Radio:

Gun For Hire Radio-the Voice of 1-Million New Jersey Gun Owners, is the Number-One rated talk show in the Nation. News, commentary, entertainment, and education you won’t hear anywhere else. Listen, learn and laugh your ass off. Visit: www.gunforhireradio.com