USA – -( The Second Amendment of the United States is not negotiable. The right to bear arms is not a privilege like a driver’s license; it is an inalienable right.
As such, it should not be infringed upon by any judge, panel, or group of politicians. The right to carry a concealed weapon is an extension of the Second Amendment and therefore is not negotiable.
Within ten day of being elected governor of the State of New Jersey, I intend to propose a number of changes to New Jersey’s firearms laws.
These changes will provide the citizens of our state a clear and constitutional pathway to purchase firearms and carry concealed weapons. One change will be very simple. When you get your permit to purchase, you will not need to get an additional permit to carry.
One permit, period!
Currently, a New Jersey citizen must demonstrate justifiable need in order to carry a concealed weapon. This requirement is unconstitutional and unlawful and places an undue burden of proof on private citizens.
In my view, we all possess justifiable need in these times of unchecked terrorism and rising crime. Each citizen should have the choice to defend him or herself in the event of a terrorist attack or violent crime. Trained law abiding citizens carrying their own concealed weapons can be another level of protection in the event of a terror attack or violent criminal act. As Governor, I will direct the State Attorney General to end all litigation regarding justifiable need.
I am not beholden to special interests, political operatives, or the establishment politicians. I represent you, the people of New Jersey, and pledge to always do what is best for us all. It will be my job as your Governor to ensure that any decisions made by our state government keep you and your family safe and further your ability to pursue the American dream.
Please visit my website at for information about my candidacy and the policies I am going to pursue after I am elected.
Follow me on Facebook or and on Twitter at LtStevenLRogers to keep up-to-date with new developments.
Kind regards,
Steven Rogers