NJ Gov Christie’s ‘Safe Task Force Report’: Regulate Gun Sales, Video Games

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

TRENTON, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- A task force created by Gov. Chris Christie has issued a report urging the state to control exposure to violent video games, clarify rules regulating gun purchases and begin an effort to de-stigmatize mental illness.

The New Jersey SAFE Task Force on Gun Protection, Addiction, Mental Health and Families, and Education Safety report makes 50 recommendations, without any unilateral changes to current laws. New Jersey currently is ranked second with the country’s strongest gun control laws. The governor has stated in the past that a main emphasis of state government should be on reducing violence, and its causes, which encompasses mental health considerations.

Additionally, the report recommends: that the state target illegal “straw purchases” (when someone buys a gun on behalf someone prohibited from owning one), that adults accompany minors when purchasing “mature” video games, increased security on online gun sales, and more.

Michael Drewniak, spokesman for Governor Christie, issued a statement saying Christie will review the report and provide specific proposals within 10 days.

A copy of the full report may be viewed at the link that follows:


NJ Governor’s Task Force on Mental Health Issues and Firearms Report NJSAFE REPORT by AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

More information will be forthcoming during the ensuing weeks.

Anthony P. Mauro
Sr. Chairman,
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”

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