NJ Doubles Down on Gun Control As Dem Gov Murphy Signs Anti-Gun Bills

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy IMG NJ.Gov

Trenton, New Jersey – -(AmmoLand.com)- This week Democrat Governor Phill Murphy, who is thinking of running for President of the United States, signed 7 bills from his infamous gun ban package into law.

All of the bills target the rights of law-abiding gun owners!

And none of them provide for the severe punishment of gun criminals or impact mental health issues related to firearms ownership.

The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs is analyzing the final versions of these measures in light of the recent Supreme Court Bruen ruling.

The 7 bills signed into law today are:

A-1302 – ammunition registration.

A-1765 – the “industry-killer bill.

A-4368 – microstamping

A-4370 – ban on gun ownership without training

S-1204 – registration double-standard for new residents

S-2846 – 10 years in jail for previously-legal kit guns

S-2905 – Bans .50 BMG firearms

About Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs: The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc. is the official NRA State Association in New Jersey. Our mission is to implement all of the programs and activities at the state level that the NRA does at the national level. This mission includes the following: To support and defend the constitutional rights of the people to keep and bear arms. To take immediate action against any legislation at the local, state, and federal levels that would infringe upon these rights. Visit: www.anjrpc.org

Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs