New York Politicians Lied and Their Gun-Control Laws Failed Again

Cuomo announces NY SAFE act

U.S.A.-( New York politicians said we would be safe. Democrats told us to register our guns so the criminals would be disarmed. New York Democrats said we needed to have fewer cartridges in our guns so the bad guys couldn’t hurt us. Last week, a convicted felon shot police officers in New York City. We were told this couldn’t happen because of New York’s strict gun laws. Clearly, the Democrats lied to us. If it could happen to the police, then it could happen to any of us. It isn’t the tool that does harm, it is the evil person who kills with any tool he wants to use. We were fools to believe the old lies, and we’d be bigger fools to believe the New York politicians now.

New York Democrats passed the SAFE act in 2013. This gun control legislation was passed in the middle of the night because it was “emergency legislation” that we needed desperately to insure public safety. The legislation outlawed many handguns and long guns. The law limited the number of cartridges honest gun owners could carry in their guns. It required a background check before law abiding individuals could transfer a gun or buy ammunition. Provisions in the SAFE act meant honest gun owners could be disarmed if someone questioned their mental health. Democrats said that would keep us safe.

Armed Felon Attacks Police

It didn’t work at all. Disarming the good guys doesn’t stop the bad guys. Last week, a convicted felon got a gun. The felon attacked police officers several times. The criminal had a previous conviction in 2002 after he shot and tried to kill a man, carjacked a woman, and then shot at police. He was arrested again in 2018 for driving while intoxicated. The criminal was out on parole when he shot a police officer in the head, another officer in the arm, and then attacked a police station. Criminals don’t obey our laws and the police can’t keep us safe.

In New York City, criminals get guns in a few minutes on the street while honest gun owners need months or years to receive government permission to own a gun. It turns out that criminals don’t care about New York gun laws any more than they are stopped by laws against assault and murder. Criminals use any weapon they want and carry it anywhere they want.

Criminals don’t care who we are. If thugs would attack the cops, then we are not safe. That means we should protect ourselves, but New York’s gun-control laws makes that difficult if not impossible for law abiding citizens. Disarming the good guys puts all of us in greater danger rather than making us safer. That is the opposite of what we were promised.

Is that failure of gun-control an accident, or were these laws designed to fail? Was this failure part of a larger plan?

Democrats in New York condemned honest police officers and released repeat criminals. Democrat politicians made it harder for honest citizens to defend themselves in public. Now, the thugs shoot cops, and crime soars. In the face of this new violence, will Democrat politicians then demand complete gun confiscation from honest citizens to stop the ‘unprecedented levels of public violence’ they created? That is another prescription for failure.. for deadly failure.

That idea sounds crazy to me, but we let New York politicians lie to us before. New York Democrats might get away with their lies again.. if we let them. Our future, like our family’s safety, lie in our hands.

Tell your politicians to repeal these failed laws.

About Rob MorseSlow Facts

The original article with references is here. Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.