New Videos on GunTalk.TV Spotlight Competition Shooting

New Videos on GunTalk.TV Spotlight Competition Shooting

New Videos on GunTalk.TV
New Videos on GunTalk.TV

Natchitoches, La – -( In the fast-paced blur of action shooting competitions, it’s sometimes difficult to figure out what’s really going on, or how it all works.

Perhaps if a national and world champion shooter broke down the events in short, easy-to-understand segments, you might not only get it, you’d want to go shoot at competitive events yourself!

A brand new lesson series on GunTalk.TV features world champion shooter Julie Golob highlighting the various aspects in shooting sports like USPSA, IDPA, Bianchi and more.

Golob has won titles in virtually every action shooting sport involving handguns, including 11 World and 18 US National championships, and most recently, the 2010 USPSA Single Stack Ladies National Championship and 2010 USPSA Area 6 Single Stack Ladies Champion.

Watch as Julie takes you into the world of competition shooting with the first lesson series at GunTalk.TV. You can also follow Julie as she travels to competitions at

Located at, GunTalk.TV has hundreds of videos from world class shooters and trainers on gun safety, hunting, self defense, target shooting and more. GunTalk.TV also features dozens of various guns in action, with videos from gun companies, product demos and interviews.

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