ALBUQUERQUE , NM –-( The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Off-Highway Vehicle Program is accepting applications for grants to promote responsible off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation and support enforcement of the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act.
The New Mexico Legislature enacted the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act to enhance the safety of OHV users, promote responsible use of public lands, and protect the state’s natural, cultural and historic resources. The Act requires OHVs used in New Mexico to be registered, and allows a portion of the registration fees to be returned to communities through two separate grant programs.
Applicants may apply for either grant. Only projects relating to OHV safety, education, and development of trails or areas open to the public for off-highway motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, recreational utility vehicles or snowmobiles or law enforcement activities to provide for patrols to enforce the provisions of the Act are awarded.
Grant applicants may be federal, state, local, or tribal government agencies or IRS-registered private non-profit organizations. Previous grant awardees include; the University of New Mexico Law School, the Town of Red River, the City of Santa Fe, the US Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Red Rock Motorsports Club of Gallup. For-profit organizations are not eligible.
Grant applications are judged in part on efforts to maximize statewide and regional/geographic benefits and use matching funds from other sources. The program operates on a reimbursement basis. Each successful grant award is funded to a maximum of $10,000. All projects must be completed between July 1, of 2014 and June 30, 2015.
Applications for both grant programs can be downloaded from the OHV Program website at Applications must be postmarked or delivered to the Department no later than 5 p.m., April 15, 2014. For more information please contact the Off-Highway Vehicle Program directly at 505-222-4727.