National Deer Alliance Gives Thanks
Newark, NY -( The second Deer Summit in two years set new attendance records and resulted in significant achievements for deer and deer hunters.
The 2015 North American Deer Summit was held in Louisville, Kentucky, attracted almost 300 deer experts and enthusiasts and received enormous support from the hunting and outdoor industry.
“We can’t thank our promotional partners enough for their assistance with the North American Deer Summit and the overall goals of the NDA,” stated Craig Dougherty, Executive Director of the National Deer Alliance. “Without their advertising support, we wouldn’t have garnered the attendance and results that we did. They clearly understand that deer are facing some serious issues and have jumped in to help.“
“Several of the industry’s leading resources for deer and deer hunting showed a great deal generosity in helping to promote this year’s North American Deer Summit.,,, Grandview Outdoors, Intermedia Outdoors and Grant Woods’ all recognized the need to jump in and help save our hunting heritage. Their advertising contributions to the event were extremely generous and helped make this year’s Summit a great success.”
Nearly 300 representatives from all across the hunting world attended the 2015 North American Deer Summit. The goal of this year’s Summit was to develop specific strategies, timelines and goals that were geared toward addressing the key issues facing our deer population today. As deer are the cornerstone of hunting today, the overriding goal of anything the NDA does is directed at preserving our hunting heritage.
Membership in the NDA is free and includes a comprehensive weekly e-newsletter on all things deer including: deer behavior, biology, hunting techniques and breakthroughs as well as issues impacting deer and deer hunting in North America.
For more information, or to join the thousands of other hunters who are committed to preserving our deer hunting heritage, visit
About the National Deer Alliance
The NDA is dedicated to uniting deer hunters, managers and enthusiasts like never before, and harnessing their combined power to benefit deer and deer hunting. NDA’s goal is to become the unified voice of deer hunters and guardian of North America’s wild deer, wildlife habitat and our hunting heritage. NDA fuels passions for deer hunting and conservation through networking, fellowship and education.
For more information visit