National Rifle Association Honored With POMA Diamond Cornerstone Award Managing Editor J.R. Robbins (l) with Laurie Lee Dovey, POMA CEO Managing Editor J.R. Robbins (l) with Laurie Lee Dovey, POMA CEO
Professional Outdoor Media Association
Professional Outdoor Media Association

Tunica, MS –-( The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) inducted the National Rifle Association (NRA) into POMA’s elite group of Diamond Cornerstone honorees.

The announcement was made during the NRA dinner at POMA’s annual business conference in Tunica, Miss.

The Diamond Cornerstone Award recognizes those who have played a key role in POMA’s growth and maturation into the traditional outdoor sports industry’s premier communications organization.

“The National Rifle Association is the reason POMA exists,” said POMA CEO Laurie Lee Dovey during the presentation. “In 2004, when the NRA’s right to free speech was infringed, a group of outdoor industry communicators gathered and determined the need for a professional communications organization that would honor and protect the Constitutional rights of traditional outdoor sports industry companies, organizations, professionals and journalists to speak freely. POMA was born.

“From the beginning, the NRA stood by and with POMA, supported our efforts, our beliefs and our members. The NRA is more than the reason we are here, the NRA’s participation is one of the reasons POMA is considered the premier communications organization in the industry.”

John Robbins, managing editor of, accepted the award.

“This is a real surprise and a real honor,” said Robbins. “POMA members number some of the most talented outdoor writers, photographers and TV hosts in the business. They are committed to defending the Second Amendment, and to advancing hunting and the shooting sports. Their contributions are invaluable and we are proud to support them.”

History of the POMA Diamond Cornerstone Award

POMA’s Diamond Cornerstone Award, founded in July 2005 immediately after POMA was launched, recognized the Safari Club International’s (SCI) and the Outdoor Channel’s (OC) contributions to the formation of the organization.

“POMA could not have made the leap from vision to reality without the contributions of the SCI and the Outdoor Channel,” explained then POMA Chairman/President Betty Lou Fegely. “They were integral to POMA’s launch.”

While the idea of a new media organization was being investigated by a steering committee, SCI provided disenfranchised media members with a way to stay in the communication loop. SCI developed the Professional Outdoor Writer’s Registry (POWR) database and kept POWR members informed of the progress of the steering committee.

When the steering committee determined the need for a new media organization, both the Outdoor Channel and the SCI provided POMA with initial funds to launch the organization. The SCI also promoted the POMA launch to all POWR database members.

“SCI and OC have been great friends to POMA,” said Laurie Lee Dovey, then POMA Secretary/Treasurer. “They truly are the cornerstones upon which the POMA foundation was built.”

Since 2005, POMA’s Board of Directors has inducted several other key partners into the Diamond Cornerstone group. Each recipient has played a key role in POMA’s growth and maturation into the traditional outdoor sports industry’s premier communications organization.


  • 2005 — Outdoor Channel and Safari Club International
  • 2010 — National Shooting Sports Foundation, Mossy Oak and Brownells
  • 2012 — National Rifle Association

POMA Mission: To foster excellence in communications at all levels, help members build their businesses, connect media and industry, promote fair and honest communication of the traditional outdoor sports and conservation stories, and mentor the next generation of traditional outdoor sports communicators. .

About the NRA:
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services.

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