National Animal Interest Alliance’s Tuesday Morning Roundup

National Animal Interest Alliance’s Tuesday Morning Roundup

National Animal Interest Alliance

Portland, Oregon –-( In case you’ve been wondering, here’s a brief roundup of NAIA’s recent activities…

Oregon HB 3653
More testimony on Oregon HB 3653 was heard in Salem on Monday, 5/16/11 — thank you to everybody who participated! For those who haven’t been following our work in this area, this is a bill that would serve to clarify the state’s land-use laws, which in some cases have been used to prevent dog activities such as agility or training from taking place on farmland. Passage of this bill is good for dogs, and will be of immense help to dog trainers who have lost their livelihoods due to extreme interpretations of Oregon’s land use laws. Ironically, while the use of farmland has become more and more discriminatory toward dogs, the demand for skilled trainers has grown to unprecedented levels.

It has been a long, sometimes grueling process, but it has also been incredibly rewarding. I have no doubt this bill will lead to positive outcomes for both dogs and humans. We expect a vote soon, and look forward to working toward similar goals with lawmakers and animal enthusiasts throughout the country!

Animal Policy Review
This quarter’s Animal Policy Review is now available online. The current issue covers humane relocation, attacks on agriculture, egg farmers, the PUPS Bill, and more. You can find it here on the NAIA website. You can also find back issues here.

Conference Preparations
Preparations for our 2012 conference Purebred Dogs: The Next Endangered Species? are progressing at an almost breakneck pace. The conference itself doesn’t take place until November, but we’ve already got more fabulous speakers and presentations lined up than we could have hoped for in our wildest dreams. We haven’t even released the speakers’ names and topics, yet we have received an unprecedented number of early signups for this conference. This is clearly an issue our friends and supporters are passionate about! Expect more details and an official lineup of speakers and topics in the very near future.

This brief roundup only scratches the surface of the work we’ve been involved in lately. It’s an incredibly busy — and incredibly productive — time at NAIA right now. Stay tuned for more updates!

Patti’s Signature
Patti Strand, national director NAIA

The Mission of NAIA is to promote the welfare of animals, to strengthen the human-animal bond, and safeguard the rights of responsible animal owners and professionals through research, public education and sound public policy. Visit: