WEST POINT, MS – -(AmmoLand.com)- Mossy Oak Properties Announces National Day of Conservation: Extending Challenge to Participate
Mossy Oak Properties is declaring Saturday, September 28, 2019 as the first annual National Day of Conservation and are challenging the entire outdoors industry to join them in taking action.
Advocating for conservation initiatives and supporting conservation organizations has long been a corporate emphasis of the Mossy Oak family of companies. Mossy Oak is proud to be the official camouflage pattern of DU, NWTF, QDMA, NRA and a proud sponsor of the CCA. In addition to the exponential positive impact these incredible leading organizations have on conservation, Mossy Oak Properties is looking to join forces with the entire outdoors community to preserve and protect the natural resources of our planet’s land and water.
“As my conservation mentor and father [Fox Haas] said best, ‘I believe the good we do will live long after we are gone,’” said Toxey Haas, Mossy Oak Founder and CEO. “The Mossy Oak Properties National Day of Conservation will serve to spread the message of conservation on a grassroots level further, as well as challenge those passionate about the outdoors to take action by completing a project of need in their local community.”
The Mossy Oak Properties National Day of Conservation will mobilize the more than 700 Mossy Oak Properties land specialists across 28 states by challenging them to engage as a team in a conservation activity that will address needs in their local communities or areas. They, along with other members of the Mossy Oak family and ProStaff, covering all 50 states, will extend the challenge to an even broader group, with the hopes of sparking a wildfire of grassroots conservation activities and elevating awareness for conservation efforts.
Watch the video here – DAY OF CONSERVATION
“Look, it’s the truth; people with a passion for hunting and fishing are truly America’s foremost conservationists,” said Haas. “We all have a responsibility to be the example for others to follow and to leave the land and its resources better than we found them. Conservation is all about ensuring that future generations have access to hunt, fish, and spend time outdoors and that the resources flourish by our efforts. By working together towards that common and noble goal, we can do our part.”
Ideas of conservation projects:
- Trash clean-up efforts on land or waterways
- Pledging to plant or gift a tree
- Building a wood duck or bird/bat box
- Planting wildflowers
- Donating to a state park, campground, and/or wildlife refuge
- Purchasing extra federal waterfowl stamps to support wetlands conservation
- Sponsor new hunters in their hunter’s education coursework
- Purchasing a hunting or fishing license for a new hunter/fisherman
We encourage you to involve your family and friends in your chosen project and to extend the challenge to others. We also encourage you to tag Mossy Oak and Mossy Oak Properties in all challenge activity social media posts, and use #conservationchallenge19 for the chance to have your project featured on Mossy Oak’s social media channels!
Established in 1986, Haas Outdoors Inc. is headquartered in West Point, Miss., and is home of Mossy Oak. For more than 30 years, Mossy Oak has been a leading outdoors lifestyle brand that specializes in developing and marketing modern camouflage designs for hunters and outdoors enthusiasts. The Mossy Oak Brand and patterns can be found on a multitude of products worldwide. Haas Outdoors Inc. is the parent company of Mossy Oak, BioLogic, Capture Productions, MOOSE Media, Nativ Nurseries, Nativ Living, GameKeepers, GameKeepers Kennels, Mossy Oak Properties and Mossy Oak GO. Mossy Oak is the official camouflage of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Ducks Unlimited, Quality Deer Management Association, and Mack’s Prairie Wings and the official pattern of the NRA, B.A.S.S., MLF and Cabela’s Collegiate Bass Fishing Series.
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