More Details On The FREE Conservation Presentation

More Details On The FREE Conservation Presentation

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

TRENTON, NJ –-( I have received a number of requests for details on my offer to do a “conservation” presentation to clubs or organizations dedicated to improving the outdoors experience.

The presentation is a PowerPoint presentation about 1/2 hour in length. It puts into perspective that anglers, hunters, divers… are the true environmental stewards because we understand the importance of conservation in the workings of Mother Nature.

It also explains how we can use this understanding to educate others, and to influence public policy that improves environmental health and expands our opportunities to fish, hunt, dive, etc. and betters the outdoor experience as we hike, bike, or view nature through binoculars.

The presentation covers three components to improving environmental health

  1. Looking at how Mother Nature uses conservation as a foundation for ecosystem balance and health.
  2. Examines how fishing and hunting play important roles in supporting environmental awareness, health, and importantly – connect us to the natural world.
  3. Explains the mission of the 3 New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Organizations and the role they play in educating the public and policy makers about the principles of conservation.

For those that would like to take a closer look at the idea of “preservation though conservation” I’ve provided the link that follows.

I welcome the opportunity to speak to your club or organization. There’s no cost involved so feel free to take advantage of the opportunity.

Simply respond to this email.


Anthony P. Mauro
Sr. Chairman,
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”


NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit: