Montana: Wolf Trapper Certification Class Aug. 27 in Missoula

Wolf Trapper Certification Class Aug. 27 in Missoula
Wolf Trapper Certification Class Aug. 27 in Missoula
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Montana-( Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will host a wolf trapper certification class in Missoula on Saturday, Aug. 27 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the FWP Region 2 office (3201 Spurgin Road).

Certification is mandatory for anyone planning to trap wolves in Montana, and trappers who successfully completed a wolf trapping course in Montana or Idaho do not need to retake the course.

Classes are free, and interested students can check the schedule and register online at Follow the links to “hunter education.” Classes will also be held in Bozeman (Aug. 13) and in Kalispell (Dec.10).

In addition to specifics on equipment and techniques, participants will learn about the history, ethics, management and regulations related to wolves and wolf trapping.