MISSOULA, MONT. – -(AmmoLand.com)- The Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA) is acutely critical of Senate candidate Steve Bullock for committing an egregious firearm safety violation and for serving as a terrible example for Montana youth.
MSSA President Gary Marbut explained, “In his zeal to for a campaign photograph with a gun, Bullock posed himself in front of the muzzle of a loaded rifle. The very first rule of gun safety is ‘Treat every gun as if it was loaded.’ The second rule is, ‘Always point the muzzle of the gun in a safe direction.’ Bullock violated both of these unchanging rules, setting a very bad example for Montana youth and for anyone else inexperienced with firearms.”
Marbut continued, “Bullock’s reckless disregard for firearm safety, in his lust for a photo op with a gun, flies in the face of the training given to Montana youth by our stalwart Hunter Education instructors across the state. It is potentially damaging to that widespread effort to keep our young people safe.”
The photo used in Bullock’s campaign advertising and reported on by Newstalkkgvo.com shows a high powered rifle resting over the carcass of a deer and pointing at Bullock’s chest!
In most accidental firearm tragedies, the person causing them reports, “I didn’t think it was loaded” or “I didn’t realize it was pointed at a person.” All reputable firearms safety programs are inflexible about teaching students what in the gun culture are called “The Rules” of firearm safety. The first two of these are always that all guns are to be treated as if loaded at all times and that a firearm muzzle must never be allowed to point at, sweep, or cross anything the person is not willing to destroy. After those come the rules to keep the finger out of the trigger guard until ready to shoot and to make sure to identify the target and what is beyond.
Marbut concluded, “I know that Bullock is desperate to persuade Montana gun owners that he’s one of us. That’s tough since he vetoed 16 of our bills. However, in taking and using this photo, he only demonstrates that he’s clueless about guns, and maybe dangerous.”
MSSA is the primary organization asserting the rights of Montana gun owners. Marbut is a veteran firearms safety instructor and the designer of Montana’s highly acclaimed Be Safe, gun safety program for children.
[Republican Steve Daines is running to keep his seat away from the anti-gun Democrat, Steve Bullock and is endorsed by and has the support of President Trump.]
~ Gary Marbut: 406-549-1252, mssa@mtssa.org
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About Montana Shooting Sports Association:
Montana Shooting Sports Association is the primary political advocate for Montana gun owners. Visit: www.mtssa.org