Montana Hunters & Landowners Get Connected Through FWP Name-Exchange Lists
MALTA, Mont. –-( With big game animals continuing to be abundant in many areas, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks staff will again direct hunters to farms and ranches in Region 6 this coming season through referral lists kept at FWP offices in Glasgow and Havre.
“Landowners call and say they’re experiencing game-damage problems or too many deer, and they don’t have anyone stopping to hunt,” said FWP Region 6 Supervisor Pat Gunderson.
“By maintaining lists of landowners who contact us and making those details available to hunters, FWP can help get the parties connected. This has worked very well in the past, and we’re encouraging landowners to use this service even more this year.”
Gunderson said special focus is again being put on connecting hunters with farmers and ranchers in the Milk River Valley between Havre and Harlem and in the Glasgow and Nashua areas. That’s generally where the highest concentrations of white-tailed deer are found in Region 6.
“This year we’re again selling a total of 5,000 of the 699-00 antlerless white-tailed deer licenses, which can be used in any Region 6 hunting district, and that’s on top of all the other whitetail and mule deer licenses and permits that are available,” Gunderson said.
“We also have a strong Block Management program that this year includes more than 300 cooperators on more than 1 million acres of private land in Region 6. Our Block Management program and the landowner listing program both help address the issue of hunter access. And they’re also a benefit to farmers and ranchers.”
With the general archery season already underway, Gunderson said it’s not too early for landowners who are seeking hunters to get on the FWP lists. The quickest way is by calling the Region 6 office in Glasgow at (406) 228-3700 or the Havre Area Resource Office at (406) 265-6177 or stopping by with the contact information.