Columbia, MO –-( The MidwayUSA Foundation, a nonprofit charity that helps fund youth shooting teams through Team Endowment Accounts, recently announced that it would continue to match general donations made to the Foundation in 2014.
Along with continuing the matching program, the MidwayUSA Foundation also plans to continue its Constituent Challenge, with some changes that will benefit more shooting teams.
The changes include offering endowment money to the top three fundraisers of each month. In the past, only the top fundraiser could win the Challenge.
First place winners will still receive $15,000, while second place earns $10,000 and third place receives $5,000.
According to Dick Leeper, MidwayUSA Foundation’s Executive Director, “By allowing more teams to win, we’re accomplishing the mission of our organization.
“We want teams to take an active role in growing their Team Endowment Account. This will provide their shooting team more money to operate now and well into the future.” MidwayUSA Foundation’s Constituent Challenge is open to all of its active teams and along with the matching incentive, will conclude in November 2014.”
Larry and Brenda Potterfield established the MidwayUSA Foundation to sustain and grow the youth shooting sports industry. Each donation brings the Foundation one-step closer to achieving sustainable support for youth shooting programs. The generous act of matching those donations by the Potterfields only accelerates that support.
For more information about the details of MidwayUSA Foundation’s matching incentive and the Constituent Challenge, please visit or call 1-877-375-4570.