Michigan House Committee Hearing On Ridiculous Pistol Purchase Permit System

Michigan House Committee Hearing On Ridiculous Pistol Purchase Permit System

Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun Owners
Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun Owners

Michigan – -(Ammoland.com)- On Tuesday of this week, the Michigan House of Representatives Committee on Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resources will hold hearings on, among other measures, HB 5972 and 5973.

The full text of these bills is available at www.legislature.mi.gov. The bills are either sponsored or co-sponsored by the Chairman of the committee, Joel Sheltrown, who is also a sitting member of the Board of Directors of the MCRGO.

The effect of these bills would be to do away with the onerous and ridiculous Pistol Purchase Permit system. The bills would let stand the current system of pistol registration. However, there would be no more need to visit local law enforcement and obtain a purchase permit prior to buying a new pistol. Michigan is among a small minority of states that have such a requirement.

This is a common-sense change to Michigan law. As most readers of this article are aware, there is a federal requirement that all buyers who purchase any gun from a federally licensed dealer (FFL) be required to go through the National Instant Check System (NICS) prior to completing the purchase. The NICS database contains the names and other identifying information of all individuals who have been reported by their states to be ineligible to purchase guns for reasons such as felony convictions or having been adjudicated mentally incompetent.

Since registration of pistols is still required, and the only way for a pistol owner to be sure that his name is taken off of a gun that he is selling, is to ensure that the purchaser properly registers it, this change will not affect law enforcement’s ability to ensure that all currently registered pistols are sold only to eligible buyers.

The current system is wasteful of time and other resources for both citizens and government agencies and effectively serves no purpose whatsoever. These are both good bills and should be passed. You can contact your state representatives and senators by using the below links:

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Please let them know that you support this change to Michigan law. It will end up saving time, money and inconvenience on the part of all concerned.

The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. Formed from just eight people in 1996, we now have thousands of members and numerous affiliated clubs across the state. We’re growing larger and more effective every day.

Our mission statement is: “Promoting safe use and ownership of firearms through education, litigation, and legislation” Visit: www.mcrgo.org