Meet ‘Al-Chihuahua’ the Little Jihadi With the Big Gun

The Kalashnikov toting three-foot tall jihadi nicknamed ‘Al-Chihuahua’
The Kalashnikov toting three-foot tall jihadi nicknamed ‘Al-Chihuahua’
Soldier of Fortune Magazine
Soldier of Fortune Magazine

Boulder, CO – -( If you are an American or an ISIS sympathizer, make sure and watch the lower landscape and stay out of the way of this three foot jihadi’s big Kalashnikov.

His affiliation is believed to be with Jabhat Al Nusra, known to have received U.S. supplied weapons from the so called “moderate rebels” the U.S. Led coalition is supporting training and equipping.

If his affiliation is confirmed that he is linked with a group, al Nusra, it is a group that has reemerged as a player in recent months in the multi way civil war in Syria.

“The Nusra Front’s exploitation of the Syrian conflict to advance al-Qaida’s goals suggest it will continue to align with, or combat, local forces when it fits the group’s agenda,” a U.S. intelligence official told VOA on condition of anonymity.

Al Nusra took advantage of the chaos and established strongholds in Idlib province.

The Nusra Front and its allies have maintained control,” said researcher Julie Shain with the Counter Extremism Project.

“The group vastly increased its superior weapons arsenal via illegal trade routes as well as through battle spoils, capturing TOW anti-tank missiles from defeated U.S.-backed rebel units,” she told VOA.

Islamist militants linked to al-Qaeda showed off advanced US weaponry they seized from a moderate Syrian rebel group. Whether the weapons cache was given voluntarily to al Nusra or not is unclear, but the group showcased its new toys, posting online images showing its fighters with U.S. supplied anti-tank BGM-71 TOW missiles. The U.S. had supplied Harakat Hazm and unknown other moderate groups with TOW missiles.

As for the al Nusra Jihadi with the big gun: “A friend shared his picture and I picked up on it. I tried to find out more about him, but the information was limited. All we know is that he is a member of the Syrian Al Qaeda group Jabhat Al-Nusra,” the first one to post the little big man’s photo told the mirror U.K. The twitter post was by Leith About Fadel.

We will keep you posted as more or different facts about al Chihuahua emerged and whether this was a photo op or what Al Chihuahua may be up to.

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