Media Mislead Public Over Constitutionality of Trump’s Proposed Immigration Policy

Mainstream Media Mislead Public and Themselves Over Constitutionality of Donald Trump’s Proposed Immigration Policy – New York Times Blathers Nonsense – Political Rhetoric Does Not “Trump” Law: Trump’s immigration Stance is Constitutional.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Brian Anse Patrick Rise of the Anti-Media
Brian Anse Patrick – Rise of the Anti-Media

USA –  -( Republican Party bigwigs remain frustrated at the American electorate’s continued refusal to support their hand-selected favorite, Jeb Bush.

But while their money may not buy public support it can certainly buy media coverage.

The latest episode in the big media attack on establishment outsider Donald Trump falsely asserts that Mr. Trump’s ideas on limiting immigration are unconstitutional.

The assertion is absurd on its face. Syrians and citizens in foreign countries do not enjoy the rights, privileges and immunities granted under the U.S. Constitution. In legal terms, they are not party to the U.S. social contract.

The more the threat of Trump’s popularity grows, the more desperately the leftist-leaning New York Times and the big business-centric Wall Street Journal have attacked him. Mainstream media attempt to demonize Trump by sheer name-calling, using “devil words” such as demagogue, toxic, extremist and racist.

Even though FBI Director James Comey admits that the hundreds of thousands of potential Middle-eastern immigrants cannot be vetted, and clear evidence shows that Islamic terrorists pose a tangible threat to the U.S, media bigwigs treat Trump’s appeal to a reasonable exercise of prudence as if were an outrage.

Trump simply proposes to protect Americans from Islamic terrorists by employing the temporary expedient of banning non-citizen Muslims from entering the U.S. But there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that precludes Congress from enacting quotas, consistent with its authority under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. And the editors of the New York Times must know this.

Read the rest of this article at author Brian Anse Patrick’s Rise of the Anti-Media blog: