Media Attack Sheriff Advocating Self Defense

U.S.A.-( Santa Rosa County (Florida) Sheriff Bob Johnson has created a media stir over comments on his preference for law-abiding citizens to shoot home invaders.

The events that preceded these comments from Sheriff Johnson were reported on AmmoLand by Lee Williams; read more here.

Events began when 32-year-old Brandon Harris allegedly broke into four homes in Pace, Florida. Harris is known as a “frequent flyer” to Johnson and his deputies, he has been arrested 17 times. During Harris’s alleged four break-ins, one homeowner attempted to take a shot at the criminal but missed.

At a press conference after Harris’ arrests, Sheriff Johnson said:

“I guess they think they did something wrong, which they did not. If somebody’s breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot them in Santa Rosa County. We prefer that you do, actually,” Johnson said.

“So, whoever that was, you’re not in trouble. Come see us. We have a gun safety class we put on every other Saturday. And if you take that, you’ll shoot a lot better, and hopefully, you’ll save the taxpayers money.”

Proponents of gun control in the media quickly jumped on this quote.

They all want to focus on the end of the quote, accusing the sheriff of telling citizens to shoot home invaders to save taxpayer money.

None of them want to acknowledge the Sheriff was trying to save the lives of law-abiding citizens from violent criminals.

Sheriff Johnson said, “If somebody’s breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot them in Santa Rosa County. We prefer that you do.”

For most people, myself included, this is the kind of Sheriff you want in your county.

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