USA -( Continuing from last week, at the request from our members, MCRGO E’News is reviewing several pending bills in the Michigan Legislature that MCRGO anticipates may move in the weeks and months ahead.
A complete list of pending Michigan firearms legislation can be found on their website.
Permitless Carry (Constitutional Carry)
- Bills: House Bills 4416-4419
- Details: In short, these bills would remove the requirement to have a concealed pistol license to carry a concealed firearm in public or in a vehicle while loaded. As no CPL would be required, no pistol safety class is required either.
- However, carry without a CPL would not provide the full benefits of a CPL including out-of-state reciprocity, the ability to borrow another person’s pistol, the exemption for a purchase permit for private party pistol sales, and an exemption from some gun free zones. It is unlikely these bills will be taken up by the Senate until a deal is reached to prevent a veto by the governor.
- The rapid passage of these bills in the House this spring along with public misunderstanding of the limitations of permitless carry is believed to be the primary reason behind the drop in total statewide CPL numbers this summer.
- Regardless of the prospects of passage, MCRGO strongly encourages gun owners to obtain a CPL and current CPL holders to renew their license when it expires. MCRGO continues to engage in public education on this issue.
- Status: The legislation is pending committee consideration in the Senate having passed the full House.
Preemption Enforcement
- Bills: Senate Bill 586 & House Bill 4616
- Details: HB 4616 would put teeth in Michigan’s preemption law by requiring local units of government with illegal firearms ordinances to bring them into compliance with state law or award costs and reasonable attorney fees to the parties challenging the illegal ordinances. SB 586 would add additional local units of government including school districts and community colleges to those prescribed by preemption.
- Status: Both bills are awaiting committee consideration in the Senate. HB 4616 has passed the House.
Penalty for an Expired CPL
- Bill: House Bill 4458
- Details: The legislation would eliminate the felony for carrying an expired CPL if the CPL has been expired for not more than 6 months and the person would otherwise qualify for a renewal. Instead of a felony charge, a $330 civil fine would be imposed. Even this civil fine would be waived if the person obtains a renewal CPL within 60 days after the violation.
- Status: The legislation is pending committee consideration in the Senate having passed the full House.
About MCRGO:
The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. Formed from just eight people in 1996, we now have thousands of members and numerous affiliated clubs across the state. We’re growing larger and more effective every day.
Our mission statement is: “Promoting safe use and ownership of firearms through education, litigation, and legislation.” For more information, visit their their website,