Maryland House “Gun Bill Day” Update

Maryland Gun Flag NRA-ILA
Maryland gun laws. IMG NRA-ILA

Maryland –-( The House Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on most of the gun bills on what has become known as “Gun Bill Day.”

This hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 1:00 PM, in the House Judiciary Committee which is located in Room 100 in the House Office Building.

We need a very strong demonstration of strength to support gun rights in Maryland. Please make plans now to attend the hearing on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 1:00 PM.

Please view the embed below for the AGC House “Gun Bill Day” Information Pack & Action Plan. This publication is intended to answer your questions regarding bills, contact information, directions, parking, security procedures etc..

If you are concerned about changing Maryland’s “may issue” on permits to carry a concealed handgun to a “shall issue” system as is the case in many other states; you need to make your voice heard.

Don’t wait for “Gun Bill Day“; use the links below and start contacting your legislators today!

For those readers who are new to the Legislative Email Network, blue underlined text contains a hyperlink to additional information. Clicking on the text will take you to that information. Please be sure to take these links for “test drive.

John H. Josselyn
Legislative Vice President

In this issue:
AGC’s House “Gun Bill Day” Information Pack & Action Plan
Quick Links for 2012 Session Gun Bills & Related Information

2012 Maryland House Bill Hearing Action Pack

Note: This document is constantly being updated to reflect the latest information.
Quick Links for 2012 Session Gun Bills & Related Information

Note: The information contained on these links is constantly being updated. Check back often for updates.

Bill Hearing Schedules and Information on Bills to Support or Oppose

This link contains the following information:

  1. List of gun bills to date with bill numbers and bill titles
  2. AGC’s position in support of, or in opposition, to the various bills
  3. Synopsis of the bills
  4. Hyperlinks to information on the bills and bill status
  5. Hyperlinks to the actual text of the bills
  6. Hyperlinks to the committee information with committee contact numbers and hyperlink email addresses
  • Action Alerts  (latest information and guidance on bills and issues requiring our immediate action)
  • Situation Report: Annapolis   (a continually updated chronology of the latest news and events in Annapolis arranged from the most recent to the oldest)
  • Information on Gun Rights Ratings & Contact Information for the Maryland General Assembly
  • Civic Action Email System (a very easy way to contact your legislators via email)
  • Gun Legislation    (gun legislation and weapons legislation tend to overlap to a large extent)
  • Weapons Legislation   (gun legislation and weapons legislation tend to overlap to a large extent)
  • Hunting Legislation

About Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc.

Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc. (AGC), located in Marriottsville, Maryland. The Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc. was formed on July 1, 1944 when a number of World War II veterans in the Baltimore, Maryland area began looking for a place for recreational and competitive shooting. They organized with several other Baltimore area shooting clubs to form the “AGC” Visit: