A man out of Monticello, Minnesota, has come with an idea he believes is a better option for concealed carry – a cell phone gun.
The Derringer-style .380-caliber handgun folds up to look like a smartphone, and Kirk Kjellberg, CEO of Ideal Conceal, said the notion came to him while in a restaurant shortly after obtaining his concealed carry permit.
“I walked towards the restroom and a little child, a boy about 7, saw me and said, ‘Mommy, mommy, that guy’s got a gun,'” Kiellberg said. “The whole restaurant of course turns and stares at you and I thought, ‘There’s just gotta be something better to do than this.'”
The cell phone gun will retail for under $400 and while it’s not yet available for purchase, Kiellberg claims he already has over 4,000 requests for the product, including multiple inquiries from law enforcement.
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