Major Federal Gun-Control Bills Are Coming, Thanks to Trump

No Gun Control Laws
Major Federal Gun-Control Bills Are Coming, Thanks to Trump

Virginia – -( Get ready for a significant fight for our rights. We need to get the “no more gun control” message to the president.

I hope that Sarah Huckabee-Sanders has a good pair of tennis shoes on because she’s not going to just be walking back things President Trump said in a meeting with lawmakers yesterday, she’s going to be running them back.

New Jersey Firearms ID Card
The Back of New Jersey’s flimsy paper Firearms ID Card. For those who can’t get one.

Besides seeming to be open to all kinds of gun-control schemes, the President also said the police should have confiscated the Florida mass-murderer’s guns regardless of whether they could have done so legally or not! He was supportive of the Emergency Firearms Restraining Order concept and accurately said that it allows guns to be confiscated first and the gun owner to have due process later. He was also open to the idea of a Firearms Owner ID card, such as they have in Illinois and New Jersey[if you can get one], where you need such a card to buy a gun either from a dealer or privately.

Trump said he would do an executive order to ban bump stocks, but I don’t think that order will stand a legal challenge if he does.

On the positive side, Trump did continue to push hard to end gun-free zones.

Action Item For President Trump

I suggest we contact the President for the next few days to voice a POLITE, but FIRM opposition to gun control.

Here are some suggested things to leave as a voice message (202-456-1111), to tweet to @realdonaldtrump, or to post on the White House contact web page:

  • Taking away someone’s gun and then giving them due process is like waiting until the barn has burned down before letting the horses out!
  • The original assault weapon ban was in place for years when the Columbine massacre happened in 1999. Total failure
  • 32 people were murdered at Virginia Tech with a handgun, not a rifle.
  • Murder capital Chicago has Universal Background Checks and Firearms Owner ID cards. No thanks.
  • If a person isn’t mature enough to purchase an AR-15, then he isn’t mature enough to fight and die for our country or to vote
  • Criminals will obey the law on the 10-round magazine-size just like they obey our drug laws
  • No more gun control. None.

Our *Full* Focus Has To Shift To Congress And It Will Soon

This is a serious situation. The gun-controllers have handed Trump their wishlist, and most of it is coming our way if we don’t fight back hard! We MUST focus on Congress to stop that wishlist from becoming a reality.

Wherever you look, Bloomberg’s fingerprints are all over these attempts to pass “universal” background checks.
Wherever you look, Bloomberg’s fingerprints are all over these attempts to pass “universal” background checks.

Here’s what’s on the list:

  1. An “assault weapon” ban
  2. A ban on magazines that will hold more than ten rounds
  3. Universal Background Checks – the “Manchin-Toomey” bill from a few years ago
  4. Emergency Firearms Protection Order, which allows the confiscation of someone’s firearm NOW (probably done at gunpoint), based merely on a sworn statement that the person is a danger to himself or others, and LATER they get their due process (gee, thanks)
  5. A person must be 21 to be able to purchase a rifle
  6. “Fix NICS,” which allows a government bureaucrat to delve into your medical history as far back, and as deeply, as they wish
  7. Firearms Owner Identification Card is required to be presented for the purchase of a firearm, including for private sales
  8. Gun sales denied for anyone on the Terrorist Watch List. You can be put on the Watch List without due process by some nameless bureaucrat

How We Are Going To Fight Back

  1. Trump wants one comprehensive bill in each House with all the above gun control in it. That’s good for us. The more items that are in a massive bill like that, the more legislators will see something they don’t like and will vote against the bill. Even many Democrats are going to walk away from that monster. Those two comprehensive bills have not been introduced yet because it will take up to a week for them to be drafted. As soon as the bills appear, we will analyze them and put an URGENT ACTION ITEM out for everyone to contact Congress in opposition.
  2. It is possible that some of the gun control items could be added to an omnibus appropriations bill as amendments. We will be looking out for that and will advise with an URGENT ACTION ITEM if so.

Virginia Citizens Defense League

About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

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