Major Development As Early Voting Begins in Arizona

Dr. Kelli Ward
Dr. Kelli Ward
Gun Owners of America
Gun Owners of America

Washington, DC -( We just received this amazing news from our political team in Arizona, where we are supporting Dr. Kelli Ward’s challenge against globalist gun-grabber John McCain.

One of the other candidates opposing McCain has dropped out of the race to allow voters to unite behind Dr. Ward.

This is great news, as that candidate could have possibly been a “spoiler” in the race, allowing McCain to hold on to his seat.

Our radio ad (video below) exposing McCain and supporting Dr. Ward is currently running across Arizona but we need to reserve airtime for the rest of the month. Early voting starts Wednesday so we don’t have any time to waste!

A Public Policy Polling survey had McCain polling at just 39%. That’s a horrible number for any incumbent, let alone someone so entrenched. Kelli was at 26% and climbing, but when the poll narrowed the field to just McCain and Ward, it was tied at 41%.

Well, the field has just narrowed so now it’s pedal-to-the-metal from here to the August 30 primary election.

When you contribute $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford to help Gun Owners of America elect the best candidates across the country, you can be sure that your contribution is having maximum impact. Please help us make sure that our entire political team has the resources needed to get the job done nationwide by donating today.

Make your contribution by clicking here.


Tim Macy

P.S. Please see the message below from our political team on the ground in Arizona.

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: GOA Political Team
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 7:37 AM
Subject: Urgent Update from Arizona
To: Major Development As Early Voting Starts Wednesday

Good morning team,

We got great news today as we got word that Alex Meluskey suspended his campaign to clear the way for Dr. Ward to unite the anti-McCain vote! We now have a wide-open path to unite the anti-McCain vote!

Meluskey has suspended his campaign but his name will still appear on the ballot so we need to let our people in Arizona know that he has withdrawn ASAP because early voting starts Wednesday.

The $15,000 worth of radio ads GOA bought started airing across the state last Friday and will run for a week. We need to keep the momentum going, but now we’ve learned that McCain’s special interest groups are spending big-bucks attacking Dr. Ward. It’s driving up the cost of airtime so please relay the urgency to our supporters so we can lock in our rates before they go up again!

This is an actual cut-and-paste from a radio advertising agent:

Just a heads up – our inventory in AM Drive is currently sold out this week, so if GOA is thinking of extending the buy, locking the inventory in early is crucial to snag the avails and keep the rates from skyrocketing.

Dr. Ward is fighting hard and we think we’re going to win, but we can’t leave anything to chance. We’d like to stay up on the radio and expand to digital and a direct mail piece if we can raise the money for it. If we can spend another $50,000 – $75,000 we can make the decisive difference.

Tell our people that we’ve got John McCain on the ropes and we can replace him with a rock solid conservative but we need their help now!

About Gun Owners of America (GOA)

Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul.

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