Love trumps hate: MI students paint over hate-filled graffiti

The Rock

When students at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor noticed hate-filled graffiti painted on a famous rock on campus, they grabbed their own bottles of spray paint and went to work to change the message to mean one of love not hate.

Anyone is free to paint whatever they like on “The Rock,” which was unearthed in 1873 and became a sort of living storyboard, often painted with messages ranging from birthday wishes and marriage proposals to political statements and words from college rivals.

But the message that showed up after this week’s election was “Kill Em All” and “Fuck America.” The artist appeared to have no particular political affiliation, as The Rock was painted both blue and red, along with images of both a donkey and an elephant. Photos of the graffiti started circulating on social media around 3 p.m., but in less than an hour, about 15 people had already gathered at The Rock and gone to work.

The message that remained a short time later was “Love Em All.”

kill em all painted on rock
The Rock The Rock The Rock The Rock The Rock The Rock

[ Michigan Live ]

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