Abbeville,LA -( As the holidays approach and winter sets in, we are all reminded that this time of year is about giving back and showing goodwill toward others.
The hunting community is no exception. Louisiana’s deer hunting season is in full swing, and hunters are heeding the call to give by donating part and sometimes all of their harvest to families in need this holiday season.
Hunters for the Hungry, founded in the 1990s by a group of well-meaning hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, is helping the hunting community route excess wild game to families who struggle with food security. Last year, the program provided nearly 40,000 pounds of protein that went directly to feed the hungry.
For families struggling with food access, protein can be the most expensive and hard to come by food source. That’s where hunters come in. This holiday season, Hunters for the Hungry is calling on the hunting community once again to help bring vital nutrients to those who need it most during the harsh, colder months of the year.
Hunters interested in donating part or all of their harvest after a day in the field can bring their field-dressed game to any processor in the Hunters for the Hungry network. To view the network of processors, visit
Donated deer are processed at no cost to the hunter, and all donations are tax-deductible. Many hunters opt to keep the more desirable cuts of meat, such as the tenderloin and back strap, and then donate the rest of the deer to be ground and used in recipes like spaghetti, casseroles and sausage.
The donated protein is routed to area food banks and local charities that directly serve those in need. Around the holidays, food is never merely a matter of nutrition. Food is about family and belonging. The mission of Hunters for the Hungry is not only to help feed the hungry, but also to welcome those less fortunate into the extended family of the hunting community during the holidays.
To learn more about their work, visit Hunters for the Hungry online at