Linda Walker Re-elected to 2017 NRA Board of Directors

Editors Note: AmmoLand News asked Linda to comment on her recent re-election to the NRA Board. Her response is below:

Linda Walker
Linda Walker Re-elected to NRA Board of Directors
Linda Walker
Linda Walker

Ohio, USA – -( I am honored and humbled once again to have been re-elected to the NRA Board of Directors. I truly appreciate the NRA voting members who voted for me, and have the confidence in my leadership to retain me for another 3 year term.

I never take for granted those who cast a vote, or the 5 million members of the NRA the support they’ve shown me.

I am neither a celebrity nor wealthy.., far from either, but I’m an example of what can happen to an average person who gets involved in an issue from the grassroots perspective. I’ve told my story over the years in many speeches as to how I got involved in gun rights.

When concealed carry passed in Ohio in 2004, it was a very poorly written piece of legislation that ultimately became law. This now affected me, because I now had a concealed handgun license and carried always! I wanted to help fix the law that quite possibly could turn a law abiding citizen in to a criminal in the eyes of the law, by just trying to obey the gray areas of this convoluted mess of a law. I hosted a “meet & greet” with fellow Second Amendment supporters that ended up being standing room only. A week later I was invited to the leadership team of Buckeye Firearms Association PAC.

The following years to come became a whirl-wind of activism. I was attending, testifying and lobbying in the Ohio Statehouse for gun rights. Attending meetings, receptions, political events, gun rights events, flew to Colorado to work on their senator recall election, flew to Iowa to work on Joni Ernst’s campaign, traveled to many places to promote the Second Amendment, so on and so on. I became everything NRA; NRA certified instructor in multiple disciplines, NRA recruiter, NRA election volunteer, Friends of NRA chairman, and the list goes on. In 2009, the NRA honored me with the Sybil Ludington Women’s Freedom Award, the highest award given not necessarily every year, to a woman for advancing the shooting sports through advocacy, legislation and/or education.

In 2010, I decided to run for the NRA Board of Directors for the following years ballot, and I won. I wanted to bring another female voice to the NRA leadership. I have seen huge strides forward in the NRA’s promoting of women since first elected. Whether they are promoting lady hunters, instructors, competitive shooters, or philanthropy, the women have made a huge mark on NRA as the largest growing segment of society becoming involved with the Second Amendment. Along with fellow Board members Sandy Froman and Maria Heil, I co-host the Women’s New Energy Breakfast at the Annual Meetings.

I bring none of this up to toot my own horn, but rather to show that if I can do it, anyone can do it. I was not looking for a cause to get involved in, most certainly not the gun issue, but the cause found me.

It grabbed hold of me and wouldn’t let go and took off running. What I do, I do for my grandchildren and for yours. We had the privilege of growing up with freedom, and I want the same for them. When I realized the importance of the Second Amendment, that it protects all of our other freedoms and rights, it was a very easy cause to get involved in.

So with all that said, again I thank those who voted for me. I am honored and humbled to be your voice for the 5 million NRA members.

Thank you and in freedom,

Linda Walker