“Never give up. Never give in. Keep your faith, and you’re going to have a victory.”
Rep. John Lewis joins #MarchForOurLives rally in Atlanta: https://t.co/9chFUZoG4x pic.twitter.com/X2d3EVMkvs
— NBC News (@NBCNews) March 24, 2018
Atlanta Georgia – -(AmmoLand.com)- A steadfast activist against your Second Amendment rights, former U.S. Congressman for the state of Georgia, John Lewis died late Friday night July 17th, 2020 from Pancreatic cancer.
While the mainstream media gushes over this loss and buries us in 24/7 praise and accolades for this Democratic gun banner’s life work. Let us take a moment to review John Lewis’s life long record of promoting gun control and the destruction of your right to keep and bear arms.
In 1988 he voted to pass a bill requiring anyone who purchases a gun at a gun show to go through background checks and he voted no on decreasing waiting periods.
In 2003 he voted no against a law protecting gun manufacturers and retailers from lawsuits resulting from private citizens’ misuse of their products.
In 2005 John Lewis voted against prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
In 2017, after the horrific Las Vegas shooting massacre, John Lewis piled on board with a dramatic plea wanting to know how many bodies it would be needed for Congress to take action on more extreme gun control, as a hundred or so people from Mom’s Demanding more Action and Every Town for a Gun Control clapped madly.
For good reason, John Lewis was rated F by the NRA and consistently and proudly bragged about it as recently as a 2018 march for our lives rally in Atlanta.
“Speaking at the “March for Our Lives” rally in Atlanta, Lewis boasted that he and many other Democratic lawmakers bore failing grades from the powerful gun rights lobbying group.
“You know the NRA gave me an ‘F,’ and I’m proud, I’m proud to wear that ‘F,’ ” he said. “So on the Democratic side of the House of Representatives, many members of Congress are wearing an ‘F.’ ” ~ reported the TheHill.com.
And most famously John Louis was lead among the Democrats who led a sit-in, like spoiled children, on the floor of the house in response to the pulse nice nightclub shooting in Orlando demanding, once again, that Congress repeal America’s right to keep them bear arms.
The so-called conscience-of-the-Congress had no second thoughts when trying to gut your second amendment rights. Rest in peace…
About Tred Law
Tred Law is your everyday patriot with a deep love for this country and a no-compromise approach to the second amendment. He does not write articles for Ammoland every week, but when he does write it is usually about liberals Fing with his right to keep and bear arms.