Leadership Change for Iowa Firearms Coalition

Barry Snell follows Jeff Burkett as IFC President.

Iowa Firearms Coalition
Iowa Firearms Coalition

IOWA – -(Ammoland.com)- Comments by Jeff Burkett, IFC Board of Directors:

It is my honor to announce Barry Snell as the new President of Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC).

Barry is a solid pro-Second Amendment patriot who will serve you well. It is a great privilege to be able to pass the torch to someone who will be able to bring some fresh energy and ideas to the role as well as continue in the traditions that have made us Iowa’s most respected and successful firearms rights organization.

I recruited Barry to IFC after reading an article he had authored in the Iowa State Daily and I have been grateful for his contributions as IFC’s Communications Director. I look forward to working with him as he assumes the Presidency. A news release explaining the change is being sent out to various media outlets around the country.

I am sure the first question that comes to mind for most is curiosity as to why we are making this change. In short, I have too much going on to continue with the day-to-day operations of the organization. I have a full time job in IT, I have a wife and 5 kids, I am a volunteer EMT in our small town, and I am actively involved in our local community in various other ways, including coaching kids athletics and local church activities. Right now, my professional career and family simply need more of my time.

In anticipation of this move, the IFC Board of Director’s last spring elected me to the Board, where I will continue to serve our members. I will primarily continue to help with lobbying and legislative efforts, as well as in developing the vision for the organization moving forward. I will also continue to speak publicly for the organization as needed at gun shows, IFC gatherings, in the media and other outlets.

IFC has proudly been a completely volunteer organization from its inception as Iowa Carry (as we were known before successfully changing Iowa to a Shall Issue state). I started volunteering with the organization in an official capacity about 8 years ago, helping at gun shows and bringing in new members before officially being asked to help out as the Action Center Manager. Over 3 years ago I was honored to be elevated to the position of IFC President, but it’s time for me to concentrate more on my family, take a step into a less demanding role and allow others to serve.

Additionally, I want to say thank you to all of you who are faithful members of this great organization. I can honestly say that every dime you give to this organization goes 100% to the cause. In addition, you give your time and attention, which is invaluable. I can’t stress enough how much respect our organization receives at the Capitol because of your willingness to work hard and represent our cause with great honor and pride.

I also want to thank those of you that served directly under me in more prominent roles. I deeply value your friendship and contribution to the cause. Thank you for continuing to make extra time to keep this organization moving forward.

My sincere thanks go to the Board of Directors for your friendship and confidence in me as a leader. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue serving the membership and all Iowans as we continue the fight to fully reclaim our Second Amendment rights.

Finally, to my wife and family: Thank you for all of your support and encouragement over the past few years. It’s taken a tremendous amount of time away from you, yet you’ve been supportive of me and the cause through it all. I love you and appreciate you as you’ve walked this journey with me.

Continuing to advance your Second Amendment rights in Iowa,

Jeff Burkett
Board of Directors
Iowa Firearms Coalition

About Iowa Firearms Coalition:
The mission of the Iowa Firearms Coalition is to be THE firearms rights organization in Iowa, representing Second Amendment concerns for all firearms owners in the state. We will staunchly defend the rights of hunters and sportsmen as well as the rights of all Iowans to defend themselves and their loved ones. We seek to partner with other like-minded organizations to increase our effectiveness in accomplishing these goals. Visit: www.iowafc.org