Last Chance to Apply for the Pure Michigan Hunt

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Michigan DNR
Michigan Department of Natural Resources

USA -( The Michigan Department of Natural Resources reminds hunters to apply for the Pure Michigan Hunt during the final days of December to secure their chance for the hunt of a lifetime.

The deadline to apply is Dec. 31.

Each year, three applicants are randomly selected as Pure Michigan Hunt winners. This prized hunting package includes licenses for elk, bear, spring and fall turkey, antlerless deer, and first pick at a managed waterfowl hunt area.

In addition, each winner receives donated prizes such as crossbows, rifles, guided hunts, Go-Pro cameras and much more. For a complete list of licenses and prizes, visit their website.

Hunters must enter to win.

Buy $5 Pure Michigan Hunt applications anywhere hunting licenses are sold or buy online. There is no limit to the number of applications that can be purchased.

Winners now can transfer one or all of their licenses to another eligible hunter. This allows hunters – and their friends and family members – to buy as many Pure Michigan Hunt applications as they want for both themselves and others. Instead of needing to know other hunters’ information to apply on their behalf, Pure Michigan Hunt winners have the ability to give one or more of their licenses away to whomever they choose, or keep all of the licenses for themselves.

Pure Michigan Hunt licenses will be valid for the 2017 hunting season.

Non-residents can apply for the Pure Michigan Hunt, but will not be eligible for the Michigan elk license. Elk hunting in Michigan is limited to residents only.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to their website.