Last Chance to Apply for 2013 Elk Hunts in Kentucky – Land of 10,000 Elk

Last Chance to Apply for 2013 Elk Hunts in Kentucky – Land of 10,000 Elk.

Kentucky Department Fish Wildlife

Anderson County, KY –-( Frankfort, KY –-( Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife will draw 1,000 applicants in early May to hunt the largest elk herd east of the Rockies this fall. Hunters must apply online by April 30th (midnight Eastern time) to enter the random drawing for 2013 elk permits. Entries are only $10 each.

Kentucky offers a variety of elk hunting opportunities, and seasons run from September through December. Applicants may apply for 2 of 4 permit types: firearm bull, archery bull, firearm cow, and archery cow. Crossbows may be used with archery permits during designated timeframes. Those age 15 and under may also apply for 10 youth, bull/cow permits.

Elk hunter success is about 70% in Kentucky. The number of permits available has steadily increased since the hunt’s inception in 2001, beginning with just 12 permits. For those drawn, hunting license plus elk permit cost $495 for nonresidents and $50 for residents. Hunters may bring along as many helpers as desired. Last year’s odds of being drawn and more details are posted at

The elk hunt is held in 16 southeastern counties that occupy 4.2 million acres—much bigger than Yellowstone National Park. There are 574,000 acres of public land in the elk hunt area, along with ample private land. Private guide/outfitter services are also available.

Kentucky’s elk restoration program is one of modern wildlife management’s greatest success stories. Elk were extirpated in Kentucky by the early 1800s. Elk restocking began in 1997 with the release of 7 animals. A total of 1,554 elk were reintroduced in Kentucky by 2002, with animals provided by 6 western states having healthy elk populations. Within 10 years, the population reached the target of 10,000.

Those interested in the hunt should apply now. The deadline is midnight April 30. Don’t allow last minute Internet problems or unexpected diversions to keep you from the hunt of a lifetime in the “Happy Hunting Ground” that is Kentucky!

Apply Online:

Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources conserves and enhances fish and wildlife resources and provides opportunity for hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, and other wildlife-related activities in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Elk hunt drawing proceeds support elk conservation, research, and opportunity for elk-related recreation in Kentucky. For more information, please visit