Las Vegas Review, Partisan Influence Tainting Coverage..Yeah Right

Las Vegas Review
Las Vegas Review, Partisan Influence Tainting Coverage..Yeah Right
Alan Korwin
Alan Korwin

Arizona –  -( The lamestream media told you:

“Republican benefactor and casino king Sheldon Adelson’s purchase of the Las Vegas Review Journal, Nevada’s largest newspaper, has fueled anxiety about partisan influence tainting coverage of the 2016 presidential race in a crucial western swing state.” -Dan Nowicki, Arizona Republic, 12/20/15

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Are they serious? With USA Today running virtual campaign ads for Hillary Clinton and calling them news, and printing supportive editorials for her right on the front page where news is supposed to go, it is stunning to see a reporter throw a fit over change in ownership of a small newspaper in a small state, and suggest this could swing the presidential election. USA Today is sold nationwide (1.7MM copies) and as an insert in Nowicki’s paper. The Review Journal has a small audience (172K) in the nation’s gambling state, Nevada.

Nowicki supports his angst with a quote from a professor Kahn (pronounced “con”), at the University of Southern California journalism school, certainly a bastion of neutral news education, who says with great erudition, “This just smells bad from the getgo.” No concern over truly outrageous existing front-page bias in national news was in the story, for reasons that were unclear at press time. The Review Journal hasn’t even published anything yet under new management.

Going to Harry Reid for additional comment, arguably the most left-wing politician in Congress, the reporter points out Reid calls it, “a dog of a newspaper,” and “They have the worst editorial policy in the history of the world.” He apparently doesn’t read USA Today or even the Republic.

People familiar with the Nevada paper know it is home to Prometheus-award winning Vin Suprynowicz, one of the most enlightened, incisive and brilliant commentators on the political scene, bar none, author of Send In The Waco Killers, exposing the government slaughter of innocents, for which no one was prosecuted.

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