LaPierre congratulates members on Trump win, calls for reforms (VIDEO)

NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre is congratulating his membership, crediting them with electing Donald Trump to the nation’s highest office, and calling on Trump and others to further the National Rifle Association agenda, saying “our time is now.”

“You did this. Don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise,” said LaPierre in a nearly eight-minute YouTube video posted to the NRA’s channel. “Hillary Clinton made her hatred for the Second Amendment a central issue of this campaign and as a result of that fatal mistake, she’s on permanent political vacation.”

LaPierre called the media disgraceful.

“They tried to suppress your enthusiasm, your speech, your vote,” he said. “You proved the founders right: that the ultimate check and balance in this country is the American people.”

LaPierre celebrated Trump’s intention to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia with a constitutionally sound judge, but noted that President Obama spent eights years flooding the courts with “judges who truly despise the Second Amendment.” He called it an “infection for which there is no cure, other than time and vigilance.”

Another problem, he said, are the “anti-gun billionaires” who have one goal: “the absolute eradication of the Second Amendment freedom for the average American citizen.”

“They will continue to enjoy the support of an openly dishonest media that truly hates your right to speak, your right to worship and your right to vote,” said LaPierre. “And most of all, your right to keep and bear arms.”

He called on Congress and Trump to pass concealed carry reciprocity as soon as possible, so that gun owners permitted in one state can legally carry in any other state they travel to. He also called for an end to gun-free zones, gun bans, ammo bans, magazine bans, high fees and taxes and “registration schemes.”

“It must be illegal for corrupt, bureaucratic elites to deny law-abiding Americans their full measure of Second Amendment freedom,” he said.

Before signing off, LaPierre called on people watching to renew and upgrade their memberships. More than five million people are members of the NRA.

The NRA and its various groups spent a reported $52 million on federal elections, more than half of which was spent on support for Trump.

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