L.D.W.F. Issues Reminder to Leave Young Deer Fawns Undisturbed

Young Deer Fawn
Young Deer Fawn
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Lafayette, La. -(Ammoland.com)- The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) is reminding people who encounter what appear to be abandoned fawns that they must be left alone and undisturbed.

Every year the department receives calls from concerned citizens who have found what they consider to be “abandoned” fawns. Well intentioned, concerned citizens sometimes bring fawns home and then call the department to retrieve and raise them.

LDWF is alerting the public that it is against the law to capture fawns or any other wild animal. If caught transporting or possessing wild deer without a permit, well meaning individuals may be subject to citations and fines.

“Picking up fawns seriously diminishes their chances to live a normal and healthy life,” said Scott Durham, LDWF Deer Program Manager.

“When a fawn is born, it is weak, awkward and unable to move quickly enough to escape predators. Its primary survival mechanism is to remain still and hidden. The newborn fawn has a coat of light reddish brown hair liberally covered with white spots that provides excellent camouflage. The doe will remain in the area to feed and nurture the fawn. When the young deer gets older and stronger it will be able to forage for food with its mother.”

When encountering fawns in the wild, simply leave them untouched and depart quietly from the area. This action will provide the young deer its best chance to survive in the wild and prevent a possible citation for an illegal, but otherwise well intended action.

About The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana’s abundant natural resources.