Kris Kobach Wins Historic Republican Primary for Kansas Governor w/ Concession


President Donald Trump and Kris Kobach Photograph: Mike Segar/Reuters
President Donald Trump and Kris Kobach Photograph: Mike Segar/Reuters

Kansas – -( The historic Republican Primary for Kansas Governor is over.

A week after Election Day, Governor Jeff Colyer officially conceded to Secretary of State Kris Kobach after provisional ballot results in the more populous counties showed Kobach’s narrow lead growing.

Many political insiders expected a drawn-out battle over provisional ballots, a potential recount, and even possible lawsuits. But Governor Colyer declined to delay the results, knowing that every delay only gives other candidates a head-start.

The concession and endorsement of Secretary Kobach was an honorable move by Governor Colyer, and the Kansas State Rifle Association respects him for it.

There is no question Kris Kobach will be the most pro-2nd Amendment Governor in Kansas history. He has pledged to make Kansas the #1 state in America for the free exercise of our cherished 2nd Amendment rights, and he has the record to prove his sincerity.

Meanwhile, Kobach’s major opponents have been fighting viciously to prove which of them will push the most radical gun control agenda as Governor.

We can’t risk a loss in this crucial race. While the governor’s race stole significant attention this year, that doesn’t discount other huge wins for the 2nd Amendment elsewhere across the state.

Your KSRA PAC endorsed a total of 28 candidates in various contested primaries.

  • Out of 28 total endorsements across all races, 18 pro-2nd Amendment candidates won.
  • Out of 22 endorsements in contested Kansas House primaries, many against anti-gun incumbents, 14 endorsed candidates won.

KSRA PAC Endorsed Candidate Wins:

US Congress:
*Roger Marshall (R-01), *Kevin Yoder (R-03), *Rep. Ron Estes (R-04)

Kris Kobach (R)

Kansas House:
*Jene Vickery (R-06)
Chris Croft (R-08)
*Doug Blex (R-12)
Charlotte Esau (R-14)
Eric Jenkins (R-18)
Kellie Warren (R-28)
Wendy Bingesser (R-30)
Owen Donohoe (R-39)
Megan Lynn (R-49)
Stephen Owens (R-74)
Will Carpenter (R-75)
Bill Rhiley (R-80)
Renee Erickson (R-87)
Paul Waggoner (R-104)

Primary wins are great. But our work isn’t over.

In the general election, Kris Kobach will face anti-2nd Amendment Democrat Laura Kelly and anti-2nd Amendment Independent Greg Orman. There’s no question about it: Kelly and Orman will use the Governor’s office to advance a radical anti-2nd Amendment agenda. While the contrast between the major candidates for Governor couldn’t be greater, the race is going to be extremely close.

While some of our endorsed winning candidates for the Kansas House have no general election challenger, that is certainly not the case across the board. Many will have very challenging elections. These candidates deserve our support between now and November.


Kansas State Rifle Association

About Kansas State Rifle Association:

The Kansas State Rifle Association has one purpose. To promote and strive for the improvement and protection of the firearms and sport shooting industry and protection of second amendment principals by encouraging and stimulating well-qualified individual citizens to run for public office and to take a more active and effective part in governmental affairs. Visit: