Kindergartner suspended over bubble gun (VIDEO)

A 5-year-old kindergarten student at Southeast Elementary in Brighton, Colorado, was suspended Monday morning after school officials discovered she brought a Disney princess-themed bubble gun to school.

The girl’s mother, who did not want to identify herself, told reporters that her daughter, who “loves bubbles,” was playing with the bubble gun during indoor recess when the whole incident went down. School officials called the girl’s mother and informed her that her daughter had violated the school’s zero-tolerance no-weapons policy and she needed to come pick her up from immediately.

“I appreciate that they’re trying to keep our kids safe, I really do,” the girl’s mother said. “But there needs to be some common sense.”

She also pointed out the obvious: “It blows bubbles.”

She said she could have understood the school simply taking the bubble blowing gun away, but suspending her was a bit over the top.

Nathan Woodliff, executive director with the ACLU of Colorado, said, “This is a silly example of a very real problem. Zero-tolerance policies often mean zero common sense.”

Meanwhile, the girl’s mom said her daughter is so distraught over the whole bubble gun incident that she wanted to stay home and clean rather than go back to school.

[ The Denver Channel ]

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