Kenn Blanchard Preaching Both God & Guns In Chicago Sept 10th

Kenn Blanchard Preaching Both God & Guns In Chicago Sept 10th

Kenn Blanchard
Kenn Blanchard
Upper Marlboro, MD –-( On September 10, 2011, Rev. Kenn Blanchard will be one of the featured speakers at a special event sponsored by the Chicago Firearms Association, the Second Amendment Sisters, Illinois Chapter, and the Illinois State Rifle Association at the Westside of Chicago at the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church’s JLM Abundant Life Community Center, 2622 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 606412.

Rev. Blanchard, the author of “Black Man With A Gun”, has been a prolific speaker for the right to keep and bear arms since 1991 where he worked with the National Rifle Association to testify for the reform concealed carry in the state legislatures of Virginia, Texas, South Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Maryland.

The website Black Man With A Gun has been around since 1999 and has been a beacon for information about the racist roots of gun control. Blanchard has been featured on hundreds of talk radio shows, and three documentaries. He started as a firearms trainer for federal police officers, and civilian’s sine 1986. The Marine Corps veteran accepted the call in the Gospel ministry in 2000.

The Washington Times wrote that he has been “preaching both God and guns” ever since.

For the past four years, in addition to now being a pastor, and a national defense contractor, he has been a podcaster; of a unique show the shares guns, life lessons, personal observations, news and a narrated story about zombies called “The Urban Shooter.”

Come out, hear and be entertained by one of the most charismatic advocates of freedom , 1-3 PM, at the JLM Abundant Life Community Center, 2622 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 606412


Kenn Blanchard
Kenn Blanchard of Black Man with a Gun
Kenn Blanchard
The Urban Shooter Podcast “The Pro-Gun Variety Show”
“Holla” 1-888-675-0202

Kenn Blanchard is a contributor to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News and Producer of the Urban Shooter pod cast. In addition Kenn Blanchard is a pro-gun media producer & marketing professional that helps small businesses by providing information, entertainment , inspiration and support to the sport shooting community through blogs, voice -over, podcasting and professional speaking. Visit: