Kenn Blanchard Is Officially the ‘Black Man With A Gun’

Black Man with a Gun
Black Man with a Gun
Kenn Blanchard
Kenn Blanchard of ‘Black Man with a Gun’


Upper Marlboro, MD –-( The iconic gun rights activist Rev. Kenn Blanchard has been recently granted the registered trademark of the name ‘Black Man With A Gun’.

Blanchard has been behind the scenes and in front of the camera when needed for gun rights since 1991.

As a brand, the Black Man With A Gun is a anti-gun persons’ worst nightmare. He shares the name with the title of his first book; “Black Man With A Gun, A Responsible Gun Ownership Manual for African Americans.” Blanchard is professional speaker, that can engage an audience, and reach all levels of people. He is conservative African American Christian pastor, a military veteran that is clued into social media.

He’s been involved in almost every pro-rights event that involved a person of color. He’s worked with all the pro rights organizations like the National Rifle Association, the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, the Second Amendment Foundation, the CATO Institute, Gun Owners of America, and the list continues.

He was involved in concealed carry reforms in Texas, South Carolina, Michigan and Wisconsin. He have testified in the US Congress and in Maryland on bills or acts designed to prevent law abiding Americans from legal firearm ownership or concealed carry. He has been in audio and video commercials for TV and radio against racist gun laws and been featured in three documentaries. He has debated nationally known anti-second amendment people on national television.

In 1992 he started a national gun club for people of color called the Tenth Cavalry Gun Club “the Buffalo Soldiers.” Today, it is known as the Maryland Tenth Cavalry Gun Club, LLC.

He is an ordained Christian pastor that has sacrificed much to combine his love of freedom, and the American people involved in the gun community.

He produces the on-demand-internet radio show called The Urban Shooter podcast. This podcast receives over 30,000 downloads a month. He has just begun a video version of it that will show the positive people in the gun community called American Gun Owner on YouTube. His new company, the Blanchard Media Group, produces voice overs, and unique digital elements that promote businesses in the firearms industry using social media.

Kenn Blanchard
The Urban Shooter Podcast “The Pro-Gun Variety Show”
“Holla” 1-888-675-0202

Kenn Blanchard is a contributer to AmmoLand Shooting Sports News and Producer of the Urban Shooter pod cast. In addition Kenn Blanchard is a pro-gun media producer & marketing profesional that helps small businesses by providing information, entertainment , inspiration and support to the sport shooting community through blogs, voice -over, podcasting and professional speaking. Visit: